Never Coming Home (Mikey OneShot)

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N/n= Nickname

~Your P.O.V~

As the boat pulled closer to the shore I could hear the sound of guns being fired, grenades exploding and see solders praying to God that they would make it home. I took a deep breath to calm myself, then, i felt a hand in my own. I looked over to see my boyfriend Mikey.

"It'll be over soon and we'll be okay, trust me." He mumbled. I felt as though he was trying to say that more to himself than to I. Though I simply nodded, still fearing the worst that could happen, for our country, for our family, to us.

These feelings soon subsided, as the boat landed on the shore. The first line, opened the hatch and we marched off onto the sand. I started to fire at any enemy troop I could see that wasn't near any of our own. Mikey and I soon gor separated, due to the fact that this is war and the troops get parted easily.

I ducked behind a rock, trying my best to dodge out of the way of flying bullets. Once I reloaded, I tried to scout the best area to fight, or to jump back into battle.

I spotted Mikey across the battle grounds and smiled a bit, though with what happened next, no one expected it, not even God could have predicted this one, as it happened so quickly. Mikey fell to the ground and, as if on instinct, I rushed towards him. I didn't care that he was across the shore from me. I don't care that I was centimeters away from bullets and flying grenade shrapnel. I didn't care.

I shot any enemy around him that I could see. Then, I quickly grabbed an rag from my pocket and pressed it to his wound, right near his heart. I knew it was probably over for him, though hope and faith was stronger, telling me 'you can save him'.

"You better not leave me Mikes." I whispers, my voice cracking and tears threatening to fall.

"N-N/n?" He whispered, tears already falling from his eyes that were barely open.
"Yes Mikey?" I replied as he weakly reached a hand up to my face. He swiped a thumb across my cheek to wipe away the tears.

"Go fight, be strong and don't waste your time on me, save our country save the world, baby girl." He said, with almost no power in his voice.

"I'm not letting you go, you're coming home, things will be better if you stay." I said kissing him on the lips.

"Y/n... I love you..." He said, his hand fell off my cheek and into the sand, his eyes closed and his heart beat slowed to a stop.

I leaned back and took a deep breath. He's gone, he's never coming home.

I then, took off some of his dog tags, making sure to only leave the one that specifically identified him as Michael James Way, from New Jersey.

I picked up my gun and ran to duck behind a large rock, knowing that I'm in no shape what so ever to fight.

How am I going to tell Gerard? Ray? Frank? F/n? Gerard be ripped to pieces. Their relationship as brothers was so strong and probably, could have never been broken, other than with death. The others will be sad for months, years even. We all had such a strong bond and this war is ripping it apart.

And how do I move on? Could I? Should I? I don't think I'll be able to after something as devastating as this.

I took a shaky breath and looked out into the sea. The clouds grey and a sprinkle of rain. The air smelled like gunpowder, seawater and blood, with the old, tan sand sprinkled with red, silver and dead bodies.

I then felt the barrel of a gun on the side of my head and I turned to face the man head on.

"Is it fun, starring down a loaded gun?" He asked, a smirk plastered on his face. I didn't run though, I knew the outcome would be the same with whatever I did. Death.

"So long and goodnight." I said and then, he pulled the trigger. A pain seared through my head as I fell backwards onto the ground. And there's only one thing that I could say...

We are never coming home.....

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