Laser Tag (Josh Dun x Reader)

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I bounce on my feet waiting for Josh to hurry up downstairs so that we can go play Laser Tag

"Joshhhhhhh, let's goooo," I whine collapsing on the couch.

"Patience baby, you're looking at the champion of Laser Tag," Josh smiled as he walked down the stairs. He was in a black sleeveless shirt and some basketball shorts, even though it was the dead of winter in Ohio.

"You're on man, I'm taking the crown! I will be the queen of Laser Tag!" I cheer, I jumped onto his back and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"We'll see about that princess," Josh said slipping on his shoes then carrying me to the car.

We arrived to the place in no time, josh paid and we were escorted to the rules room, where we were met by a larger group of people. We sat down just as the safety video started to play, and Josh started to recite the rules under his breath. I giggled and nudged him in the arm.

"What? like I said, I'm the king."

After the video we chose our teams, I went on red while Josh went on blue. I felt pretty powerful in the gear, though I didn't get cocky.

"You have three lives then you're out, find the exits, good luck," The man said and opened the door, I darted for the upstairs area, my shoes heavy against the wooden floor. I spot people and aim at them, then the counter stops and the game is on.

I've already got two out and before I know it, it was only Josh and I left.

"Y/n just surrender now!" I hear his voice echo through the walls of the arena.

"How bout you, we both have one life together!" I shout back glancing around  my surroundings.

"That's where you're wrong," I hear Josh whisper in my ear, he hugs me from behind then pins me against the wall. He kisses me quickly then shoots. Josh saunters away smirking.

"WHAT NO FAIR YOU USED YOURSELF AGAINST ME!" I whined and jogged up to him. Josh was laughing like an idiot.

"I told you, I'm the king."

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