We'll Carry On (MCR)

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We'll carry on

I held back the tears as I walked away from my friends

We'll cary on

They all looked solum as we tucked away our instruments, uniforms, lives

And though you're dead and gone believe me

Frank was angry, Ray disappointed, Gerard did it for the best of him and his family

Your memory will cary on

I couldn't do anything for a while; couldn't eat, sleep, drink, move, everything reminded me of them, the laughs, the cries, the crowd and our life

We'll carry on

Mikey took most of the hit; he was so depressed and he blamed it on himself. He was sent to rehab, he got into drugs and alcoholism and we all knew he needed help

Do or die, you'll never make me

Why haven't I gotten help yet?

Because the world will never take my

Why hasn't anyone noticed the pain this break-up is causing me?

Go and try, you'll never break me

They've all moved on with their lives, Ray and Gerard are working on an album together, I'm finally, after four years, picking myself up

We want it all, we wanna play this part

I got a call from Mikey today, I haven't talked to him in years; we talked for 6 hours

We'll carry on

I've started eating and drinking more, I haven't been as weak or sickly, though I don't think I can ever have a strong immune system again

Do or die, you'll never make me

Gerard and Ray asked me to come back to the studio and play drums for Gerard's new album, When we met Gerard had a talk with me about how i needed to stop starving myself and self harming, I forgot about my scars in the heat of happiness

Because the world will never take my heart

Frank invited me to hang out after a concert in Jersey he had, I said yes and had the time of my life

Go and try, you'll never break me

I reached out and got the help I needed, I'm on anti-depressants, and I was in a mental hospital for a few weeks. Its all worth it because I can do the things I love again

We want it all, we wanna play this part

I've ended up touring with Gerard and Ray, playing for both Ray and Gee's shows, am I tired? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes. They keep an extra close eye on me, I was 15 when I joined the band, making me the youngest in MCR, all of them are like older brothers to me, they look after my well being

We'll carry on

Though I miss it very so, My Chemical Romance is gone, gone for ever, its a part if my life that i still miss. I wont get over it, many others wont either, but as long as i still have my boys, Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Ray, as long as they're still alive; I'm content with it being over because the possibilities are endless....

"Though your dead and gone your memory will cary on."
So long and goodnight My Chemical Romance . We will miss you for longer than you can imagine.
We love you and you have saved so many with your music, please , let your memories carry on for millions to come.

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