Because I Love You (Brendon Urie)

896 37 4

A/n I can only have my phone at certain times so lets do this.

Trigger warning guys, mentions self harm and a suicide attempt

I need to stop making depressing shit but my mind is just depressing so I need requests if you hate the depressing shit, enjoy though

-Your POV-

"Y/nnnnnnnn," Brendon whined poking my arm, "go to the park with me you're never outside anymore!"

"I don't feel like moving though, bed, too comfy," I groaned to the hyper boy.

"You don't do anything anymore, I just want you to know that there's life outside your grandma's dinky apartment," he said trying to pull me out of the bed.

"Stop pestering me and maybe I'll think about it," I snapped pulling my arm away and winced in pain. Brendon looked at me in shock, knowing I was usually laid back and I didn't mind his ADHD.


"Save it, I understand, I'll come back later, see ya," he said and walked out of my room.

I didn't try to go after him, I usually fuck everything up dealing with relationships, and I thought this one would last too, I thought I had a chance.

I sat with my head in my hands for a while, then I felt an urge, a need.

I stood up and grabbed a sheet of paper, tears started to well in my eyes as I started to write, the ink ran down the paper from my tears. Okay so I'm doing this.

-Brendon's POV-

I walked down the stairs and hugged my mom, my anxiety had been crazy ever since I left Y/n's house. It might be the fact that I have a minor crush on her and I just ruined our relationship by being annoying, at least I think so anyway.

"The umbilical cord again Bren?" she asked and I nodded.

"I don't know if it was because I was too far away from you, it usually doesn't act up when you're home," I sighed and pulled away.

"Maybe its one of your friends, you never know, it could have switched too someone else," she said.

"I'll go check on them, though if it switched that would imply that one of my friends gave birth to me and thats just weird," I laughed at the end.

"Okay hun, just be home in time for dinner," she said and I nodded. I grabbed my phone and coat then rushed outside.


I've went to Spencer, Jon and Ryan's house, they were all okay and my anxiety wasn't gone yet, that left only one person Y/n. God I hope nothing bad happened to her, I probably would never recover if something happened.

I reached her apartment and knocked, no answer. Her grandmother wouldn't be home by now so she's probably awake, right? I felt the door move in slightly until it fully opened. The house was dark other than a light in the bathroom.

I looked around the living room and saw a note on the table, I picked it up and started reading.

To anyone who finds this,
Im so so sorry, I couldn't handle all of the grief on my shoulders and the hate that I'd been getting since I moved. Brendon is pretty much the only one who cared and I ruined my chance with him. Good bye and remember, I love you


I raced to the bathroom and tried to open the door, I could hear the faint sounds if sobs and a pill bottle.

"Y/n!" I called trying to stop her and gain any time I could, finally the door let go and I grabbed the pills from her hand.

-Your POV-

Brendon wrapped his arms around my body as I tried to wriggle from his grasp, I sighed in defeat as I was too tired and weak to do much.

He grabbed my arm and examined it I winced though let him look.

"Where did you hide the blade?" he asked, I shook my head and he searched the bathroom. He finally found it and put it in his pocket, he also put the pill bottle in his jacket pocket.

"Y/n why did you do this to yourself?" He asked with tears welling in his eyes.

"Because no one cares about me, both of my parents are dead, everyone at school despises me and my Grandmother would be much better if caring for one person rather then two," I replied with tears still freely flowing.

"Thats not true,"

"How is it not true you prob-"

"People care more then you know, you just cant see it and I cant tell you, you just need to trust me," he spoke sternly looking away.

"Tell me, tell me how people need me here, because it doesn't seem-"

"Because I love you okay! I have for a while and It sounds like a lame excuse but I fucking love you and I need you here or else I wouldn't know what to do! You cant keep doing this-" I just off his ramble with a kiss, he was tense at first though he kissed back.

"So um.... will you be my girlfriend?" He asked shyly.

"Yes you dork,"

A/n this is here to get to 900 words. Though I get to see Panic! Live on Tuesday btw and I'm gonna cry probably.

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