Imagine. 5 (Requested Gerard x Reader)

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H/t- home town name
C/c- closest city name
~Your POV~

I had a strong feeling of anxiety that I couldn't shake off ever since my boyfriend, Gerard, left for tour. It's been a few weeks since he left and I just feel, uneasy, I can't shake it off with any of the methods that I usually use. I sat down onto the couch in our living room and turned on the TV.

It was on the news channel... gross. Though nothing else good was on so I just kept it there to have some noise filling the empty feeling house. I wasn't paying much attention, until,

"Breaking news! Lead singer of My Chemical Romance, Gerard Way, was hurt just a few minutes ago at a show in h/t. Little is known about his condition, and little is known what exactly happened." The woman on the screen said, and as if right on time, I got a call from Ray.

"How's Gerard doing?!?" I rushed out quickly.

"Y/n, calm down, he'll be okay. We don't know that much about him either." He said calmly, it calmed me down a bit but not too much.

I took a deep breath.
"Okay, what hospital are you at?"

"H/t hospital, I already got you tickets to come tomorrow, and you'll be staying at f/n's house." He said and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Ray, I probably need to start packing. I'll text you later." I said.

"Ok Y/n bye." Ray said hanging up. 

I sat my phone down and walked into my room. I grabbed a small suitcase and threw a few pairs of clothes and then a bag in with all of my shampoo and such. I zipped it up and grabbed a carry on bag. I put my laptop, sketch pad and pencils, motion sickness pills (just incase/ if you actually need them) and chargers in my bag and set both things by the front door.

I sat back down on the couch to see that Ray had texted me the time the flight took off and the place to get my tickets. I quickly texted I'm a thanks and figured out, I should probably wake up at three because I take a while to wake up plus it leaves at six. H/t, here I come.

A/n really short and crappy requested chapter! I might make a part two of this as you don't find out what happens to Gerard, or I might just let you leave it up to your imagination. That's it for today, don't forget to vote and I'll see you Nilla Pancakes later buh bye!

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