A little less sixteen candles (Pete Wentz x Reader)

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A/n Fall Out Boy am i rite

~Your Pov~

I smiled and watched as my boyfriends band played their newest song, A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More 'Touch Me'. They're just in the beginning stages of development, but they'll get where they deserve to be one day.

"How was that Y/n?" Patrick asked a tad timidly.

"Like I said before, you guys are fucking rad, I couldn't do anything close to what you all do, along with fighting the vamps, y'all must get tired," I stood up and leaned against a pillar holding up our hang out.

"We're just doing whats best for this town, and what we like," Andy shrugged and grabbed a bottle of water, then passed one to Joe and Patrick.

"I could teach you how to play bass if you'd like," I heard Pete say behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I wouldn't want you to have to do that! You already have to take care of yourself I don't want to add to that," I turned around to face Pete.

"You've done so much for me, you've altered you sleeping schedule, been bait for the team, you helped Patrick find the concoction that keeps me at bay, and you've gotten me holy water more than once, its the least I can do baby," Pete said and pressed our foreheads together. I sighed and kissed his lips, I heard gagging from Andy, to which Patrick told him 'to shut the hell up or else he'll be bait for a month'. We all knew Pat was too sweet to wish that hell on anyone, but we still didn't like the thought of being bait for a whole week.

"Okay, I'll let you teach me how to play, but then we need to go on a walk later," I said and poked his nose. Pete squealed and pulled me by my arm to our shared room, as my parents didn't give a shit about me.

Pete sat on my bed with his bass in hand, he motioned for me to sit in front and i did. He wrapped his arms around me and placed the grove of the bass on my thigh. Pete guided my hands to the correct frets while resting his chin on my shoulder, I whispered the lyrics to Dance, Dance, as we played together. Suddenly he let go of my hands and let me play the last chorus by myself, before placing his hands back on mine to guide me though the end. With one last strum on the bass, the song was finished and Pete was smiling a lopsided smile at me.

"You need to sing more often," Pete said and placed the bass on the rack in the corner of the room. I shook my head and sat criss cross on the bed,
"I sound like a dying seal on meth!"

"Don't say that about yourself baby, you have a beautiful voice," Pete said and planted a kiss on my forehead. I decided not to fight with him, as he usually always wins. Instead I wrap my arms around his torso an sigh, my head leaning on his shoulder.

"I hate to brake this up, but we have a group of dandies down town, and they're saying Brendon and William are gonna be there," Patrick popped his head into Pete and I's room. We nodded and I grabbed my weapons consisting of duel silver knives, a wooden stake and a knife that shot Holy Water and salt out of it.

By the time all of us got downtown, it was an absolute shit storm of chaos. William was sat on top of a car, while Brendon along with a whole bunch of dandies were controlling unsuspecting soon-to-be's, it was truly a sight. Patrick pulled behind a building and we all crawled out.

"I love you, lovely," Pete said and gave me a kiss.

"As do I," It was sorta a good message for us to keep going, that we might get killed, but those will be our last words to each other. The gang split up and planned attack, while I on the other hand, had a perfect shot of the Dandies back sides, great for throwing knives through to the heart.

I eyed the back if the man and tried to aim the closet to his heart, then i threw the stake. He fell into ashes and the woman he was 'dancing' with was set free. I pinned my back against the wall and watch as the woman silently slipped away in shock.

I killed off a few more Dandies, cursing the fact that I liked throwable weapons more. I though of an action plan in my head then I felt a gloved hand cover my mouth William.

"Yes, thats my name, don't wear it out sweetheart, also, stop thinking so damn loud," William said, I forgot that he could read minds along with the other high ranking Vamps, fucking lovely.

"You need to remember simple things like that or else stuff like this," he teleported us to the top of a building and dipped me so that I was almost off the edge and his nose was touching mine, "happens, its just life here in Chicago."

"I bet you'd be quite the charmer if you weren't the leader of this monstrous type of Vamp," I hissed and  tried to get away.

"Mmh, so you like what you see, let me get a bit closer then," Williams lips were actually molecules away from mine, there was no warmth radiating off of them, not even a smidgen trace of something thats living (at least Pete strived to have some part of lively hood to him.)

"That, sent, taste, I'd know that any where, Peter," William said his name like he was Lucifer talking about God, he was disgusted.

"Brendon!" William yelled, then Brendon appeared with a bow.

"You screamed," Brendon said.

"Be a dear and search for Peter, bring him here when you find him."

"What the hell are you going to do to him, you've already ruined his live enough," I said now standing with my hands held firmly behind my back, then a few minutes later, Brendon was struggling to hold Pete by the arm, but he froze when he saw me being held by William.

"Let her go," Pete spoke harshly, his tone serious and demanding.

"But that'd be too easy wouldn't it?" William using his only skill, replying in question, "Brendon, let his arm go." Brendon reluctantly let go of Petes arm, who took no time to throw a punch Brendon's way.

"Wrong," William said and held Petes arms back with his vision.

"I think its time we get one new Top Vamp don't you think Brendon," William smirked and I shivered. Brendon slowly started to walk towards me, William started to move my neck so Brendon would have a better shot at getting blood. Just wait y/n, I'm almost free, Petes voice came in my head, go.

Pete then broke free of Williams grasp and tackled him off the side of the building, I grabbed a small stake in mt coat pocket and stabbed Brendon in the arm, to which he told all of the Dandies to retreat as he vanished in thin air. I spotted a stairway and rushed my way down.

I found the whole gang in the parking lot, looking around for me, who was just on top of a fucking building. Andy pointed me out as I started running to the ground, Pete started running also, though only, he was a vampire and he was much faster than me.

We collided and pulled each other in a hug.
"Did he hurt you? Bite you? Anything?" Pete hurriedly asked frantically checking my neck and collar for marks.

"No but he did kiss me, worst 5 seconds of my life," I gagged, Pete snarled and held his nose.

"His sent is all over you, that bastard," Pete cursed and kissed me to try and get the sent of William off of my lips.

"I know, but you need to stop jumping off of buildings."

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