Cemetery Love (Gerard Way x Reader) [Requested]

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A/n this was requested by chemical_killer13 so I hope y'alls like it!
[ps: Jamia has a crush on Fronk and Lyn-Z doesn't like anyone at the moment]

~Your POV~

I watched the clock anxiously as class ticked on. I wanted to be out of this hell hole and I wanted to be back in my room, reading, drawing, writing or just sitting and listening to music. I wasn't really the social type. I only had a few close friends that I was comfortable with but I was okay with that. Crowds aren't my thing. What ever the teacher was saying was going right over my head, I was completely off in a different world. Until the teacher called on me.

"Y/n!" Miss Jackson yelled snapping me out of my day dream, I jumped and the class let out a small laugh, "whats the answer to number 24 on your homework?"

"Uh, its 25," I said running my finger down the page until I found the question. Miss Jackson nodded and went back to teaching, my eyes scanned the room until I found a face staring at me. Gerard Way. I blushed and looked away. He was a longtime crush of mine, probably 6 years now, and you may be thinking, why I haven't asked him out yet. 1) way to shy and awkward 2) rejection. I quickly pulled out my sketchbook and doodled little hearts and shapes in red pen, making random figures with black shading, and completely ignoring the lesson before me. I wouldn't need to know this shit anyway.

~Skip to lunch bc im a lazy ass bitch~

"Y/n!" My friend, Lindsey called me over from our table. I smiled and walked and sat down across from her and Jamia.

"Whats new Lin?" I asked beginning to pick at the 'food' the cafeteria served here.

"Not much, though why do you even buy that shit if you're not going to eat it?" Lindsey said shrugging and eating the packed lunch that she brought.

"Im not hungry at this time of day," I replied and stabbed my plastic fork into my food a few times.

"Well I'm just gonna warn you now, theres a pop quiz in Mr. B's class," Jamia said throwing the paper on the table as Lin and I both tried to grab the paper.

"That fucker," I whispered scanning the paper throughly, trying to remember the answers. Lindsey grabbed the paper from my hands and wrote the answers on her arm, pulling down her sleeve afterwards so she didn't get caught. I didn't risk it, as with my luck I'll get caught in the first 10 seconds. Jamia suddenly straightened up and nodded her head to the side.

"Crush 3 o clock Y/n," Lindsey whispered as Gerard walked past our table with his friend Ray, he had two other friends in a few grades lower than us, Frank and Mikey, well, Mikey was his brother, but that didn't matter, they were still best friends. They sat diagonally from us, almost out of my sight, though I could still see them out of the corner of my eye. I sat up straight and fixed my blazer, also flattening out my skirt. My friends let out a small laugh at my attempts to look halfway decent, I let out a small huff and slouched down again, running a hand through my h/l, h/c, hair.

~skip again~

"You two should be happy that I'm friends with your crushes, or else I wouldn't be helping you with them at all," Lindsey laughed, and I smiled, grabbing Jamia's arm as we walked out of Mr. B's room, then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I spun around on my heal to be met with Gerard's slightly smiling face. I blushed as to how close we were and he slipped me a piece of paper.

"I think you dropped this," he said, I nodded my thanks and he walked away, going back to talk to Ray about something. I unfolded the paper to reveal a written note in very neat hand writing, I smiled to myself as I read it and walked down the hallway.

Meet me by the back door at 1:30 sharp, you're watching a movie in Mrs. Hallis's class, points to Linds for that one, see ya soon

"You knew about this and didn't tell me!" I squealed and stopped in the middle of my tracks.

"What?" Lindsey asked and pulled the note out of my hands as I walked down the hallway, Lindsey smiled and whispered something along the lines if 'that sneaky fucker' and handed it to Jamia.

"Ooh looks like someones gonna get lucky," Jamia said nudging me with her elbow, my face flushed as I punched her in the arm, trying to hide my face in my bangs.

"He probably just wants me to get over this crush of mine," I said shrugging and stopping in front of Mrs. Hallis's classroom.

"Good luck hun," Lindsey said waving to me as I walked into the class and set down my bag in my chair. Mrs. Hallis looked like she was just woken up from the dead, and I knew that she was going to fall asleep and just not care what the fuck we did. And I was thankful for that because I really didn't really want to get caught today, that would ruin my life just a bit more. I watched the clock as it slowly ticked to 1:30. I looked at Mrs. Hallis fast asleep in her chair, I smiled and bolted for the door, making sure to be as quiet as possible as I sneaked down the hallway to the back door of the school. I saw Gerard leaning against the wall and i waved signaling my presence.

"Hey, glad you escaped that death trap," he smiled and straightened up, Gerard opened the door, "wanna go?"

"Hell yes," I replied walking through and breathing in the fresh air. We walked in silence down the court yard until we reached a road, which lead to one of my favorite spots.

"Cemetery Drive," I breathed, not knowing how he knew about me liking this place, or even if we were going to the Cemetery, but I was still content because I was walking with fucking Gerard Way. We started to truck our way up the hill, we stopped under a beautiful Cherry Blossom Tree, which was my favorite place to sit, I started to climb up the tree, not caring that Gerard was watching me in that moment as I sat on the branch.

"Care to join?" I asked, scooting over so that he could join me, Gerard started to climb up the tree, taking his seat next to me.

"Theres a reason I took you out here ya know," Gerard said staring down at the scenery.

"Oh?" I said, craining my neck to look at him.

"I-I really like you, like, love you like you, and I know you probably don't like me back, but when you've been holding onto something like this for two years, it get tiring," Gerard said, avoiding eye contact.

"Try 7 years hun," I laughed and rested my hand on his shoulder.

"7? Wow," he breathed, "well, will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled.

"Of course!"

A/n: wowza that was lousy and shitty but it happened and yeet.

Band Imagines! [finished]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora