Can You Feel My Heart (song imagine) [Oli Sykes x reader]

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A/n: trigger warning. Im okay I swear.
Key: b/n- your band name

~Your POV~

Can you hear the silence?

I lean my head against the tile wall, silence filled the air. Deadly.

Can you see the dark?

The only thing lighting my vision was a few candles on the bathroom counter.

Can you fix the broken?

Oli, he saves many peoples lives, hell, they saved his too. Though he's barely home anymore, touring with his band and probably hooking up with girls much better than me.

Can you feel, can you feel my heart?

Its as if no ones listening anymore, no one cares about how my heart is, though I still cant even attempt to reach.

Can you help the hopeless?

You can't help the hopeless, so much damage over the years that its just a waist of time. The hopeless are being consumed by a black hole, either to be consumed as a whole; or slowly torn apart limb by limb. Im the latter, and I'm close to nothingness.

Well, I'm begging on my knees

I kneel in front of the toilet, begging for the many waves of nausea to pass from many pills, and many foodless days.

Can you save my bastard soul?

From the many days of torture? From the hauntings in my head?

Will you ache for me?

When I'm gone? When you know the truth?

I'm sorry brother

Im sorry for being the worst influence for you, go conquer the world.

So sorry lover

Oli, I'm so sorry for falling in love with you. I'm so sorry that you're living in hell when I'm around, that you have to fake your love for me out of pity.

Forgive me father

For being the shitty rebellious teen that always made you mad. For getting you killed in that car accident. For never reaching your expectations.

I love you mother

Thats all.

Can you hear the silence?

Other than the steady splatter of a blood drop. The quiet rattle of a pill bottle. The hurried footsteps of my imagination. The creak and groan of an old wooden door.

Can you see the dark?

Its cutting the edges of my vision. Then, a light fills my vision that's almost blinding, only to be blocked by a few figures, and one came rushing towards me.

Can you fix the broken?

A split door. A shattered plastic box. A broken soul sitting half lifeless on the ground.

Can you feel my heart?

"Y/n! Please be alive please," I heard a cry snapping me into reality. A hudge wave of pain washed over me and I groaned.

Band Imagines! [finished]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora