The Unknown SPN inspired (moikey x reader)

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A/n I'm obsessed with supernatural. I mean I'm only in the first season..... but I'm obsessed.
SoOoooo the outcome is this. Btw Mikey is Dean and Gee is Sam, but Gee is still the older one.

F/n-friend name
Y/n- your name
H/c-hair color
H/l- hair length
H/s- hairstyle
E/c- eye color


"Lets just go back, we can do that damned paper without all of this," I asked f/n, she drug me here for more in-depth research on some stupid paper we have to do for college.

"Because its better to get extra credit than to fail," she replied digging through books.

"Im not going to use any of this shit any way so why do I need it!" I loudly sighed falling into a chair.

"Y/n, you never know where life will take you," she said in a sing song voice.

"Well while you get your Best-Over-Achiever-In-The-History-Of-Humanity award I'm looking through the local lore," I replied grabbing some local legend books.

"Mikey, come one, we have to kill this damn thing before anyone else gets hurt," I heard someone urgently whisper is the back of the library.

"Hold on a second Gerard! Just go find some books on the local legends, the witnesses said it was a local thing right?" The other one said, who I assumed was Mikey. I didn't look up from my book as I heard someone walking closer.

"They aren't here!" The one I assumed was Gerard said, I decided to speak up.

"Are you looking for local legends, cause I've got some of them," I said turning around and handing him the ones I wasn't reading, and, damn, he was good looking.

"Yes, thank you! Um- I'm Gerard, and that jerk back there, is my brother Mikey," Gerard said pointing to the guy in the back.

"Well you're a bitch so," Mikey spoke. And I'm going to correct myself for my last one, hot fucking damn. Thats a good looking man.

"Heh, thanks uh-"

"Y/n, my name is Y/n." Gerard walked away with books in hand and sat next too Mikey, they started whispering only a few seconds later.

"Y/n! Look at this, the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth, is said to haunt the hotel they stayed in back in the 1700's, Thomas was accused of murder of their family and then the eldest daughter, Michelle, committed suicide! See I told you there would be something!" F/n exclaimed shoving the book in my face.

"That looks like the hotel we're staying in! Sweet!" I replied, me being a lover of conspiracies and the unknown this was the highlight of my day. I pushed the book back to her and she continued to read and write.

~Mikey's POV~

"Gee, we have to get them out of there, she usually attacks travelers and its tonight that she attacks the most victims, its her birthday," I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"Mikes, calm down, we just need to burn her most favored object, cause the body wasn't found," Gerard said calmly, I nodded and glanced back too the two girls sitting at the table, one was preppy-looking, with a pastel pink sweater white collar on it, white skirt, black tights, black flats and floral glasses. More of a cutesy, nerdy, pastel preppy girl I assumed, I could tell her dirty brown air was pulled back halfway with a bow.

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