Andy Hurley x Reader

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A/n wow memeia is great,,, on another note, I don't think I'll ever update this book regularly again,,, I'm sorry,,,,, but when I get inspiration I'll post on it.

Anywhore this is like a Young Blood Chronicles style story, idk


-Your POV-

My chunky boots echo through the hallway as I run, my heat beating fast and my energy low.

"Y/n!" I heard the voice of one of my friends yell, I spotted the nearest doorway and ran into the room, only to find Joe sticking to the wall. I slide down the wall and sigh.

"Patrick's gone insane," I pant glancing out the window.

"You think I didn't notice?" Joe rolls his eyes, I hear a scream near the room and I jump.

"Hide," I whisper and I wiggle myself into one of the cabinets, I hear the door close from one of the closets just as the door flings open. I hold my breath as Patrick's heavy pants fill the room. I let out whimper as the closet door is thrown open in rage. Joe let's out a string of curses and groans, ripping something out of the wall. I hear both of them struggling, Joe gasping for breath, then silence, I only hear one person breathing and I open up the door, only to see Joe, a black cord wrapped around his neck, and Patrick, yellow eyes, breathing heavily over his friend. I felt my breath catch in my throat and tears well in my eyes.

"What the fuck have you done," I say loudly, Andy and Pete then rush into the room. Patrick's eyes soften, then return to normal. His face falls as tears start to well in his eyes, Pete stares at the curly haired mans body in disbelief, Andy rushes towards me.

"Y/n, are you okay? We have to get out of here," his voice sounds distorted and muffled, I nod my head as he helps me up, his hand laid gently on my waist. Pete grabbed Patrick and didn't let go, he was silent, processing the events before him. We marched on, trying to find the nearest police station.

We sit in an interrogation room, my leg restlessly shaking as I rub my head in my hands.

"It's not your fault baby," Andy mumbles while rubbing my back, "we couldn't have prevented this."

"I could've helped him fight that, that thing taking refuge in Patrick," I sigh and look over at Pete.

"You okay?" I ask, he sighs and shakes his head, I put a hand on his back limply. The door then creaks open, and a man walks in and sits down.

"I need you to tell me what happened," his voice was deep and gruff.

"You're gonna think we're crazy, sir," Pete says, I nod and slouch in my seat, Andy's hand loosely laced with my own.

"Try me," the man says, then, Pete starts.

"So, Me, Andy, Joe and Patrick are all in a band, and Y/n is a solo artist, we're being chased by a cult that wants to silence the world, and they've pretty much succeeded, but we're the last alive, they, they did something to Patrick that made him do, commit, murder," Pete said shakily.

"I was in the room, we, we were hiding from, that thing inside of Patrick and Joe was unlucky, he picked his closet before mine, he tried to fight back, I- I think, but he was pinned to a table and Patrick managed to strangle him," I say quietly.

"And you know this how?"

"I was in the same room with him, sir," I look down at my lap, he slams his hands on the table and stands up.

"Why didn't you help him! This is your fault!" He yells in rage, I jump and Andy squeezes my hand as he knocks over the chair and storms out of the room. We all sit in a shocked silence, hot tears running down my face once again, then something slides under the door. Pete walks over to grab it then hands it to me.

Band Imagines! [finished]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon