Swim Meets (Dallon x Redaer)

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A/n I came up with this one as I was waiting for my event in swimming. Any way, this is a Dallon x Reader because I feel like Dall would be good at swimming because of his height. Enjoy!

~Your POV~

"Event 40 is now being seated." I heard the voice of the announcer say, I quickly grabbed my cap and goggles then walked to the seating area. I was actually looking froward to this event because I'm in a relay with Dallon Weekes. And why? Because I may or may not have a crush on this tree-like handsome man.

"Okay so who's doing what?" I asked as I walked over to my team, which consisted of Dallon, Brendon, Lyn-Z and I.

"I think Y/n should do butterfly." Dallon said and I shook my head.

"You should do fly, your tree like form helps out with that you know." I said, knowing that he doesn't like fly.

"Ladies ladies, stop fighting, I'll do fly! It's my best stroke after all." Brendon said stepping in the middle of Dallon and I.

"Puh-lese, you look like a dying seal when you swim fly." Lyn-Z joked.

"I do not! You're the one who looks like a dying seal when you swim fly!" Brendon joked back.

"We all look like dying seals except Brendon. Also I CALL FREESTYLE!" Dallon said.

"I call breaststroke, and y/n you get backstroke." Lyn-Z said.

"But I ALWAYS have back!" I whined.

"So? You're really good at it, plus I can't swim it well what so ever." Dallon said and everyone nodded. I blushed a bit because of the complement.

"Okay I'll do it, only because you guys would probably actually die trying too keep up with the other teams." I said, and all of them actually agreed, go me.

"I think it's your tiny form that helps you out in that." Dallon said, looking down at me.

"I'm not THAT tiny, plus you're just a literal fucking tree." I said.

"And you're a tree stump." He said hugging me.

"Enough lovebirds, its go time!" Brendon said, splitting us up and leaving me looking like a tomato.

"Okay, what lane?" I asked, switching from normal mode to game time mode.

"Four." Lyn-Z replied and we all walked to the block.

"Swimmers in the water." The announcer said and I hopped in. I grabbed the bar and adjusted my hand and foot placing as he said "take your mark". Then I heard the beep of the starter and launched myself off the wall, getting a perfect arch in my start. I stayed under the water for almost half of the pool then came up and started to swim. I reached the second set of flags and counted 1..2..3..4..5... turn flip. I did my flip turn and swam the rest of the 25 yards, I touched the wall and watched Lyn-Z fly over me and dive into the water. I got out of the pool and started screaming at Lyn-Z to go faster.

"GO FASTER BALTO!" I yelled.

"For a tree stump you have a really loud voice." Dallon said and I nodded, too into the competition.

"You better go fast Urie." I said looking up at him on the block. He nodded, and followed Lyn-Z down the pool with his hands in a triangle shape to he could time his dive perfectly. She Lyn-Z touched the wall and Brendon launched into the water, dolphin kicking to the black line when finally, coming up to swim.

"URIE GO FASTER IM GETTING OLD HERE!" I yelled at him, earning a laugh from Dall and Lyn-Z. 

"Don't think you're getting out of this Weekes, my voice may be going away, but no one is safe from my loud mouth." I said, not breaking eye contact with him as he stood on the block.

"I wouldn't expect any different." He said watching Brendon as he came closer to the wall.

"You to just need to kiss and get together, with you too acting how you do, it already looks like you could be dating." Lyn-Z said, her breath going back to normal.

"I can't hear you, GO DALLON GO!" I yelled as Dallon jumped in the water.

"I... agree... with Lyn-Z." Brendon said catching his breath, though I payed no attention, as Dallon was almost caught up to first place.

"PICK IT UP WEEKES!" I yelled as loud as I could. Dallon kicked his legs harder and ended up getting a head of the used to be first place team.

"KEEP IT UP WEEKES KEEP IT UP!" I screamed as he was slowing down slightly.

"Go Dallon go." Brendon whispered.

"Come on Dall." Lyn-Z  said.

"DALLON MOVE YOUR LAZY TREE LEGS AND GO FASTER!" I yelled jokingly, though I did get a few stares from neighboring teams but it's okay. He touched the wall a few seconds earlier than the other teams. Dallon got out of the water and gave me a huge hug.

"That fast enough for you?" He asked and I nodded.

(Time skip brought to you by being really hungry after a meet)

"We had a record broken today!" The announcer said, it was after the meet and we were just hanging out and talking about everything and nothing.

We all looked at the announcer, waiting to hear the team we would have to congratulate.

"The event is the 16-18 mixed medley relay and the team is..... The Wave Hawks! But that's not all, they are technically, fast enough to try out for the Olympics!" He said.

I hugged everyone on the team and gratefully excepted their happiness for the relay team. I was crying tears of joy because going to the Olympics was my life long dream. I finally, got to see the people who helped me though this and we all practically ran to each other.

"WAIT UNTIL I TELL GERARD!" Lyn-Z squealed and I nodded.

"WAIT UNTIL RYAN HEARS ABOUT THIS!" Brendon exclaimed and jumped up and down.

"YEAH! Wait? Where's Dallon?" I asked.

"Right here!" Dallon said turning me around , picking me up and putting me on the bleachers so I could look him in the eye.

"We did it!" I said throwing my arms around his neck. Then, he did the unexpected. He lifted my chin up with his finger and kissed me on the lips. I was surprised at first, but then, I too started to melt into the kiss. I couldn't really explain the feeling, but needless to say it was perfect.

A/n AYEEEEE THERE IS REALLY LONG CHAPTER! Any way, I started to write this at like 10 this morning but only just finished it (because I was at swim). Also I will get to work on requests! Bai frens!

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