The Nest (Andy Hurley x Reader)

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A/n: I have a request to get done after this, and once again I'm sorry I've been gone so long, I might post a chapter on why I'm not sure yet. Well here's this one, there's gonna be a lil bit of supernatural in it but other then that it's just something I've come up with. Enjoy my frens!

I slowly come back to my senses, my head is pounding and my neck has new feeding marks.

"The nest is gone Y/n," I hear a familiar voice say, I look up to see Andy holding a bucket of water and an old rag.

"God what'd they put in me? Crack?" I ask, tugging on my restraints. Andy pulls out a knife and cuts them. I sigh and rub my temples.

"You know I hate to see you like this baby," Andy sighs and dips the rag in the water. He presses it gently to the marks on my neck, that have since caked up at the sides from years of being used as feeding.

"God I wish we could just ditch this place, I'm sick of it all, but they have our sent down," I say rubbing the bruises on my wrists.

"I know baby girl I know, are you hungry? I've got some more food in the kitchen," Andy paused to think, "steak from my last hunt, some bread and potatoes." I nodded and smiled at him, Andy put a hand out for me to grab and I took it, he helped me stand then we walked to the kitchen, I sat on the counter cross legged.

"That smells wonderful, god how aren't we kicked out yet?" I say as Andy heats the food up.

"Because they like to feed on you baby, and I'm an important source of information, though they know not to take either of us on a hunt," Andy says finally handing me a plate of food, I eat it up quickly, but savoring the taste of each bite, not knowing when I would eat again.

"Woah don't choke on it," Andy laughed and sat next to me. Suddenly I hear a loud commotion in the front room, the rest of the nest is back.

"I'll go check on them," Andy says then walks out of the kitchen.

"The Winchester's are in town, missing and dead people then dead and missing cows, people were turned, it's a mess," I hear Mark, the leader, say harshly. I finish gobbling up my food then throw the plate in the sink.

"We have to get out of town!" Dan said walking over to Mark, Pete was swinging in a hammock with Mikey by his side.

"No we'll stand our ground, we can't have some damned hunters take our feeding grounds," Lindsay said strongly, the nest erupted with cheers, Andy and I looked at each other nervously.

"Time for a plan, with our favorite pet as the bait," I shivered at Marks words growing anxious for my safety.

A few hours later, I was tied up against a post, with my mouth covered in tape. I hear a loud rumble of a car engine outside of the barn, I make eye contact with Andy, he mouths an 'I'm sorry' as the barn door bursts open. I shake my head no, trying to tell them to stop coming towards me, but they take that as the wrong signal, the taller brother with the long hair races towards me and takes the tape off of my mouth.

"Listen, you've gotta get out of here, it's a trap, they're hiding everywhere, my friend and I can get you out with out a scratch-," I get cut off by Mark jumping out of the rafters.

"Thanks for ratting us out, pet," Mark says sarcastically, he grabs me and holds me close to his chest, I feel his breath on my neck as the rest of the nest walks out, though I see Andy staying in the shadows.

"Son of a bitch," the short haired one cursed.

"I have to say, it is an honor to be in the presence of the Winchester boys," Lindsay said, her fangs starting to come out, she was moving closer to them.

"Of course, we knew you would try so hard to save our little pet here," Pete said, glancing towards me, I wiggled to try and get free of Marks grip.

"We just couldn't resist the idea of tasting your blood," Mikey finished.

"That's cute," the short haired brother said, then cut Mikey's head off. I jump slightly as the fighting breaks out, the Winchester's looking like they're gonna loose.

"Mark let go of her, we're loosing," Andy says calmly from the rafters, I almost laugh at how he looks.

"Then fight you idiot, what? Are you scared I'm gonna do this?" Mark sinks his teeth in my neck and I scream, the wounds from last night still fresh and scarred. I try to pull away, hopelessly fighting for my life. Then, before I know it I'm on the ground and his fangs are ripped from my neck. I stand and regain my balance, my blurred vision coming into focus.

"Let's hope you know how to wield one of these princess," a low voice rings from behind me, I know it's a machete and I grab it.

"One, don't call me princess and two, you think I haven't tried to escape at least once," I say, he chuckled and I walked towards Andy who had Mark pinned to the floor.

"Let me kill the bitch," I say to Andy, he nods and I step onto Marks chest, I slowly cut across his neck, letting him suffer until he dies. I watch as Andy's fangs retreat into his mouth, his eyes went soft then he looked at me.

"Oh god, Y/n I'm sorry I even let the bastard touch you," Andy said and hugged me. I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder, smiling into his neck."

"I'm fine Andy, I'm fine, you?" I say studying him for cuts and bruises.

"This your friend?" The shorter Winchester asked looking at me, "I'm Dean by the way."

"Oh- yeah, uh this is Andy, he's been keeping me alive for what now? 10 years? Probably more I've lost count," I smile looking at Andy, whose arm was wrapped around my waist.

"But he's a-,"

"Yes I'm a vampire I'm well aware, I feed on cows though, this feeds her in the process," Andy explains and rubs my back. I rest my head on his shoulder and smile at the boys.

"Oh, well, I'm sure you have no where to go, do you wanna come back to the bunker and stay with us, well, until you get on your feet," Dean suggested, I nodded and looked at Andy, who was nodding also.

"That's be wonderful," I finally speak up. I was- we were finally free.

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