Chapter 5

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Hii. 2 And a half days till chrismas ! MERRY CHRISMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR

Recap : laurua marano , pete, ross lynch were on the plane and ross was sleep laurua marano was on instagram and twitter she was shocked by how many likes she got after she posted a pic blah blah blah.....

Btw ross lynch finally gets his point of view shown isnt that exciting?

 * Chapter 5  *

Ross lynch pov :

Today we finished filming The rest of episode 3 of austin and ally. This episode was about me and laurua confessing our feelings to eachother wich i found very ironic because every fan in the whole entire worlds been waiting for this episode. I dont know why everyone wants us to be together they call it "shipping" in other words they want us to date. me and Laurua laugh at the idea of them wanting us to date. laurua was my bestfriend she is like a little sister too me dating her would be the most craziest thing ever. Since we could take a break i decided to just chill out at home with my family filming takes alot out of you.

Laurua Marano Pov :

Ross was at home with his family i asked him if he wanted to go swimming at the beach but, he said that he was exuashted. I Was in the kitchen with my mom and dad all they talked to me about for the last hour was how much they missed me and how they wished they could see me more. Hearing them say that kind of made me feel bad because i missed them too and they only time i really got  to see them was twice through out the whole month. It was very hard. My sister came in  her names vanessa marano people say we look alot so much but, i dont t see it at all . She ran up to me Oh my gosh sis i missed you so much ! ". she said giving me tight hug. Mom and dad smiled at  eachother. i missed you too vaness ". i said letting go. We have so much to catch up on ". she said as we walked outside intorrrhe yard with the swimming pool. She sat down on one of the chairs so.. whats been going on with you and ross ?  ". she asked smirking. Again why did people keeping asking me this? First fans , second paprazii, now my sister. i looked down nothing why does everyone keep asking me that ?  ". i said picking my fingernails. Because its obvious you too are so cute together its only a matter of time when he asks you to be his... ". she said but i cut her off. That will never happen, ok? ross is like my brother we 're bestfriends that will never happen ". i said smiling. Your lips say one thing but your eyes say another  ". she said smirking. It will happen one day the least you expect it i totally ship it  ". she said laughing. Oh shutup! ". i said laughing. I  Was about to get up until i heard  mom saying she was going to get it. Then i heard a familar voice it sounded like raini. I heard a voice Hi misses marano is laurua here ? ". she asked. 

 I Ran into the living room Raini ! ".  I screamed running to her giving her a hug. Hey Laurua i missed you !  ". she said hugging me back. Hi raini ". my sister said reaching out for  a hug. Hi vaness ". she said giving her a hug back.  How did the results go ?  ". i asked . Well..we got them and they came out as positive !  ". she said smiling joyfully. Yay! thats great!  ". i said smiling. Yeah i was so worried but, turns out i was worried for nothing  ". she said. Yeah i knew she would be ok ". i said. Ooh lets take a picture together  ". i said taking out my phone. Your like a picture magnent ". she said laughing. I Shrugged my shoulder and told my sister to hold the phone while we took the picture. I Got on raini 's back while she smiled while i made a goofy face. Vanessa laughed you guys are so silly  ". she said. We know ". we both said together.

It was  good to have them with me.

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