Chapter 18

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                  -  Let us always meet each other with smile for the smile is the beginning of love  -

                                 - Mother Teresa -


A/N: The Next few Chapters will have quotes just like chapter 17 :)



 * Chapter 18 *

Laurua Marano :  Ill take you to my place then...". he smirks. Wait what? Harry i cant stay at your place im sorry...". i said. My parents will kill me if they found out that i was at a boys house that they didnt know  ". i said. He raises a eyebrow Is that the only reason why you dont want to come? ". he asks as if im lying. Yeah? why would i lie? '. i asked. Because..". he says. You might think i might...nevermind ". he says as if doubting what hes about to say.

Suddenly a drip of rain falls on both of me and harrys. Looks like its raining..". he says. Come on just come to my house ..I Will take you home in the morning i promise ". he says sweetly. I Sigh and gave in Are the boys there too?  ". i asks. Yeah why? ". he smirks at my question this boy has a dirty mind. Just wanted to know..i didnt mean it like that  ". i said quickly.

Sure you didnt ... ". he says moving his hands through his hair. Its like he does that on purpose. Come on lets go. its getting really bad out here  ". he says. He gestures me to follow him. We walk to a black rangerover truck. He takes my hand and lifts me up into the truck as he makes his way to the otherside. He gets in and starts the  ignition and starts driving. He looks nice driving. Laurua get these crazy thoughts out of you head!!!

So tell me a little bit about yourself laurua  ". he says trying to break the silence. What do you want to know? ". i ask. I Dunno...". he says. What do you do? ". he asks. 

What do i do? are you kidding me? he must have never heard of me before. But i could understand why Im on disney channel where only kids watch me. What 19 year old Watches disney channel? Hello? ..Earth to laurua..". he says. Too busy thinking about how i look when im driving?  ". he says. I Started blushing trying to hide my face. He laughs. Why didnt you answer my question?  ". he asks. Well.. now im going to answer your question...". i said. Im on a show on disney channel called austin and ally  ". i said.

Zayns sister watches that... ". he says. A Phone vibrates its not mine so it must be harrys. He glances at the iphone5 and picks it up. Hi Niall im on my way home...and im bringing a girl too ". he says smirking while showing a dimple. I hit his Dont give him the wrong idea harry ". i said. 

chill out ..". he says. Ill be home shortly niall  ". he says and hangs up. so..lets talk about what happened earlier i want to apologize....". he says. No shouldnt it was all of my fought i should of never yelled at were just trying to help me ". i said. Harry just shakes his head and hits his hand on the steering wheel. His green eyes glistening in the car. I Dont understand how his eyes can glisen in the car its amazing yet beautiful.

The car ride was a usual sit back and listen to the radio type of ride. Harry was too busy focusing on the road that he didnt say a word too me. I Admire that he likes to dry safely. We pull up to a Tall condo with a gate that reads ;  425 w dabble. ( Fake) We are  here..". he says taking the key out of the ignition. Ill help you out  ". he says and goes to the other side of the car. I Step out. We walk to the door as harry rings the doorbell. Must Be Haz  ..". a British accent says. A boy with black hair opens the door Im guessing its Zayn? Hi Harry and Hi....". he says but hesitates. Who are you ? ". he asks laughing.

Zayn ill explain when we get inside..". harry says. Zayn just nods. We enter their condo Its really nice  And the walls are a regular white across from the kitchen is the living room im guessing. It has a flat screen Tv and a long brown couch. the table has magazines layed on it aswell as a ipad.

Make yourself comtorable ..'. harry says and walks into the kitchen with zayn. I Sit on the couch. I Hear zayn and harry talking they clearly do not know how to whisper because i can hear them all the way from the couch. Haz you dont know her ..dont bring someone you barely know ". zayn says. Harry just nods his head. She needs a place to stay she almost got raped ...". he says. Zayn gasps I Had no idea..Haz. Fine. But only tonight tomorow shes gone management would kill us if they fond out she was here not to mention paprazii  ". he says. Thanks Lad ..". harry says and walks out of the kitchen.

Nice way of whispering  ". i say sarcastically. He smirks Lets get you too bed then....:". he says and gestures me to follow him upstairs. We enter a Big room with a King sized bed the walls are painted a Red color. And the Tv is mounted onto the wall, the tv is plugged into a gaming system im guessing A Xbox? Nice room...". i say. can sit on the bed if you want..". he says.

 A question suddenly comes to mind. Where am i going to sleep?  Where am i going to sleep ". i asked akwardly. He fixes his hair I room i guess...". he says going through drawers. Me and harry in the same bed Know way! How about i sleep on the couch downstairs  ". i said. Thats fine ..but beds softer  ..'. he smirks. Uh..ok then  ". i say covering my face.

He laughs Im kidding...". he says. I Nod my head. I Have some clothes you can sleep in  ". he says taking out a oversized black t shirt. You can just...uh keep your shorts on  ". he says a dimple forming on his cheek. I Was going to do that anway.. ". i said akwardly while rolling my eyes.

Sure you ". he says removing his shirt. Umm harry can you do that somewhere else? ". i asks him. Why? Is it my body?  ". he asks. Harry please stop your doing this on pourpose  ". i said. And you like it  ". he says While laughing. I Just rolled my eyes. Im going to go change ". i say taking the shirt. wheres your bathroom? ". i asks. downstairs.....'. he says. Thanks..". i say and go downstairs with the shirt in my hand. 

I suddenly bump into a boy with brown hair that must be louis. Who the hell are you? ". he says getting a bat  I Laugh. im here with harry  ". i said. Oh. ". he says. I Nod my head and smile. I Make my way to the bathroom. The place is huge! for a condo. 

I Changed and went back upstairs to harrys room. He was layed back on the bed playing Xbox. His eyes wander my legs. I Stand uncomtrably. Where can i put these? ". i asked holding my clothes i had on previously. Just throw them in the closet ..". he says his voice raspier than usual. Ok ..". i said.

I Make my way out of his walk in closet. Harry pauses the game. Goodnight  ". he says. Goodnight harry  ". i said and walked out of the room.

This was a interesting night.

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