Chapter 14

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Is it wired that i find this picture of harry creepy? Like wtf?  >>>>>>>>

 *  Chapter 14 *

Laurua marano  :   2 More days till I Will go back to california to film some more. I Had been calling ross constantly but he wouldnt pick Up I Left him 5 Voicemails, and 4 text. He must have been really mad at me. But, what did i do to make him this mad?

I Was sitting in the park on one of the kiddy swings. I Just needed a fresh  air going outside always helped me clear my mind. Besides alot has been going on this past week i needed it. And we meet again .. " a raspy slow voice said. I Looked up too see harry styles again! Is this fate or something? ". he asked taking a seat on the swing next too me. His long skinny legs swung on the swing while the wind blew his curls. His tatoos were visible as he Held onto the chains of the swing. Why do you keep following me harry? ". i asked slightly annoyed. Errm.. i dont Know i just so happen to have came to the park to get fresh air   ". he said. Is that a crime? ". he laughed.

I Nodded my Head. No its not its just very ironic how we keep ending up at the same place at the exact same time  ". i said looking out into the distance. All he did was nod. So..Love why exaclty did you come here?  ". he asked. No reason ..just fresh air  ". i mummured. Come on thats not the only reason! how dumb do you think i am? ".he asked.

I Rolled my eyes I Told you but you dont seem too impressed with my answer ..". i said. What else do you want me to say i came here because i knew you were coming?  ". i asked. Ironically yes..but...". his deep voice echoed through the wind. I dont thinks thats why i think somethings on your mind...". he said. you can tell me i will listen  ". he said offering me too tell him.

 Thats really sweet of you but No thanks .... ". i said looking away. Come on you can tell me....  ". he said begging me too tell him. I Jumped off the swing and got off Why the hell do you care harry? so you can tell everyone. sure you have the perfect life, and can get any girl you wont but, i am not that Girl so stop it! ". i said. 

Harry's face transformed into a blank expression. Instead of his usual smirk his expression changed into a hurt look.

What did i do too you? Too make you hate me? all im trying to do is help you but if you want to be a little bitch then i dont fucking care anymore ". he said in a angry tone his deep british voice becoming louder. Solve your own problems ". he said walking away while his boots clattered against the hard cement...............

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