Chapter 7

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* Chapter 7 *

Hii.x Its 2014 Im back and new chapters will be up!!!


Ross POV : After telling laurua about the tour and me leaving her and everyone else I knew it would hurt her and it truly hurt me.  and it did. despite how calm i was to her. I would miss everyone but , miss laurua the most i dont know why.  I quickly finished packing up my necissecitys but it felt like i was missing something i just didnt know what. I Quickly scanned my room and spotted a picture of laurua and me. It was when we went  to the art musuem i had splattered paint on her face we were laughing in the picture. I Smiled and decided to take it with me that picture would probbly be the only thing to cheer me up for these 3 months i should say. 

After packing up it was now time to Leave. Everyone was waiting on me downstairs including my brothers and sister. yes sister not sisters. Come on ross we cant be late!!   ". rocky said calling me from downstairs. Im coming  ". i said running down the stairs with my duffle bag and guitar. While making my way down the stairs dreadfully on purpose just to waste time. Mom was sobbing into tissues while dad was rubbing her back into circles Its going to be okay darling they will be back in 3 months my dear  ". dad said. He always called her dear. Mom hugged everyone for atleast 10 good seconds. I Will miss you all please be careful make sure you bring your mase ". she said running her hands through rikers hair. she knew how crazy fans could get while we were on tour. Riker laughed Mom  we have manager for that  ". he said. Still bring it ". she said firmly. Riker nodded and opened the  house door smiling. I Love you all Call me when you get on the plane!!  ". she said yelling from across the street as we got into the car. 

The car ride was usual turn on the radio talk a little, Laugh a little, Usually im the one to crack the jokes and make everyone laugh but i wasnt in the  mood exspecially for what i was about to do. We finally had arrived at lauruas house I quickly  got out of the car and I Knocked on the door Damn! this is going to be a pain in the ass for me.

Lauruas sister vanessa opened the door surpisingly. She looked at med smiled Oh Hi ross if your coming to see laurua come in  ". she said smiling. I nodded as we walked in Shes just upstairs you can go up if you want. ". she said. Thank you  ". i said walking up the stairs. I Had been to lauruas house before so i knew where everything was. I had arrived at her door i took a deep breath and knocked. Its open ". she mummured she didnt sound to happy. I Came in she was sitting on the bed reading a magizine with music plugged in to her ears she had on sweatpants and her hair was down. She looked comtorable. Oh my gosh ross your here  ". she said her face instantly lighted up. I Didnt think you would come ". she said giving me a hug. Why not ? ". i said pretending to be hurt. She laughed lets change the subject  ". she said pulling away from the hug. Besides we only have 3 more minutes to spend with eachother   ". she said looking down. It dosent matter laurua every minute i spend with you is golden ". i said taking both of her hands. I Didnt know what came upon me it just slipped out. She did something that surprised me She laughed obviously  amused  at what i had said . Wow ross your very cheesy  ". she said pulling away. we both laughed histerically.

Suddenly i heard a beep from outside it was my  brothers and sisters they probbly were waiting on me. Time to go  ". i said. I Dont want you too leave ross ". she said he voice was getting shaky. I Dont ethier laurua but i have too  ". i said. I Pulled her into a warm hug after all this will be the last hug we will share for a while. 

 " Bye "

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