Chapter 19

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  - The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment         to themselves        -

                  - William Penn -

 Alot of you might be thinking "how does she know all of this french and italian? " Well ive been studying italian and french a little so i know some french and italtinan :)


 *  Chapter 19  *

Ross lynch :  Me and laurua havent talked in a while. Mainly because I 've been hanging out with viola it seems as if the icream fight has brought us togethether somehow. Ross ...this gelato is   délicieux".she said wiping away the whipcream on her bottom lip. I raised a eyebrow dont you mean iccream? ".  i asked. She giggled Its italian for iccream  ". she said.  I Know what your thinking Iccream again? i promised her that  would take her out for iccream since i got her in trouble. We both started talking about sports in paris. padre was apart of  the saint-Germain rugby league hes very well know here  ". she said eating some of her cherrie.

What about you? ". she asked. What do you mean? ". i asked. How do you Keep yourself so well grounded your apart of a very popular band with your soeur and frere? ". she asked smiling warmly.Thats what i like about viola she makes you feel special no matter how you might feel her smile is so warm and inviting. i Guess when you have people that work with you that you love..then its really easy to handle it all "..i said. She nods hanging on to every word. Ross ..your so diffrent than i thought you would  'd be ". she says. Is that so?  ". i asks. yeah..". she says softly. She leans in and...

Ross?  ". laurua calls out.

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