Chapter 20

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                 - It seems that fighting is a game where everybody is--

                                   -   The loser  -

               -  Zora Neale Hurston  -


" Heres the chapter youve been waiting for "  in dramatic voice.

 i find this Gif Hilarious lol >>>>>>>>>>

thanks for the 200 something reads. you guys are so niceeeee

 *  Chapter 20 *

Laurua Marano : 

 Heres my explanation as to why im here in paris. We finished filming austin and ally and disney is waiting until ross finishes tour. So i decided to come and surprise ross with a visit while he was on tour. Ross was sitting at a two seated table outside with black sunglasses. And a very pretty girl with red lipstick and a sundress with her brown loose hair was sitting with him. Guess he found a new friend. i had glanced and seen both of them leaning in. Ross " . i call out about to surprise them but im shocked at what i see.

Ross looks my way Laurua I Can explain please..". he begs. But all i did was walk away. How could he do this too me? Wait? what am i saying?? why would i care if he was about to kiss her. I Dont like him..or do i? Im so confused and all i wanted to do was crawl in a hole and think things through this was all so confusing.

I Had ran as far away as possible not knowing where i was going. A stream not too far away sits there alone with none sitting by it. I Sigh. and decide to walk over and sit on the hill and stare at the sunset.

Two beautiful birds are flying over the stream as the water reflect their presence. A stream of tears fall from both of my eyes. Why are you crying?  ". a deep raspy voice asks me. Oh my God not harry why does he keep appearing everytime im sad or in deep thought?

 He sits on top of the hill with me as he stares out onto the distance. I Look at him everything i do and everytime i try To fix something i always mess it up...  ". i said. Im a faliar and the guy i like is kissing another girl right infront of me ." i cover my mouth. What did i just say? Whos the Guy? ". he asks. Its my bestfriend....". i said beggining to cry again. Dont cry...".he says putting a hand over me pulling me onto his hard chest.

His embrace was so warm and inviting. He might never will  ". he says. He pulls me off of his chest. Can i just kiss you ? " he asks his voice raspier than usual. He leans in and try to kiss me but i move him.  I Cant do this..........harry!  ". i scream and runaway.

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