Chapter 13

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 * Chapter 13 *

Ross lynch :  Heres the real reason as too why i was upset To laurua meeting  " Thee harry styles "

                                  '"   He might win her heart. "

There it was that was my reason. What the hell is wrong with me here i am saying i miss her and then here i am saying screaming at her with rage. I Dont know what came over me do i have feelings for laurua? mabey i do......

The band and I Had a photoshoot Last week for our albulm cover. Tommorow we 're haveing a albulm release party to promote the albulm. Today we were having free time to do whatever we wanted our manager minnie convinced our management to give freetime. Wich we really needed all i need was a breathe of fresh air and a time to think things through.

I Decided to go Back that pizza palace me and my brothers and sisters went too a few days ago. The girl that was our waitress last time greeted Me. Seems like you really like this place huh? ". she asked her hair was in a high bun her beautiful eyes glistened in the restaruant. Wow she was so beautiful  i  couldnt  even talk. Hello? did you come here alone? Table for two ? ". she asked laughing. Yeah table for two ...". i finally had said. Pull yourself together ross. Follow me  ". she said. She had led me to a empty  table. Would you like to order now? ". she asked. Yes i would ". i said. This would be fun i was going to mess around with her alittle bit.....

I Would like a Chicken alfredo with rice, Lasanda, Baked chicken, Spaghetti, 1 slice of Pizza , a coffee, A Lemonade, A Ice tea, And some of your fudge brownie cake  ". i said giving her the menu. Her eyes went wide. Wow you have a hearty appetite.  Are you seriously going to eat all of that? ". she asked.

Yeah why not?  " . i asked smirking. She laughed Alright coming up shortly ...". she said walking away.

I Had ordered so much food that she had too bring 6 people to help her carry the food. Heres your spaghetti , pizza, lasanda, ice, tea and your fudge brownie  ". she said taking in breaths. Will be up shortly  ". she said walking away.

After waiting for minutes and minutes on her to bring the rest of my food i decided to help her. I Know i wasnt suppose to be doing this but. something told me to do it anyway . She was in the kitchen with the other chefs What the hell are you doing in here!?  ". she asked me. I Came to help ". i said. I Did order alot  ".i said smiling. She smiled warmly Wow thanks ". she said. But you shouldnt be in here  ". she said looking around so the manager wouldnt see.

But i am  ". i said smirking. Come on please leave ..". she said getting slightly annoyed. I Glanced at the ice cream machine Not without a round Of icecream fight  ". i said while smiling. She did something that surprised me. Oh you 're so on  ". she said grabbing a cone. She threw the first glob of icecream at me my shirt was covered in strawberry swirl. I Threw chocolate icecream at her. Not fair!  ". she giggled. She threw cookie dough at me the big globs of cookie dough hit my eye. Ouch ". i said covering my eye. She dropped the cone. Are you alright ?  ". she asked. Kidding  ". i said and ot a hand full of ice cream and threw it at her....

its so On!  ". she said.

You bet!  ". i said getting more icream.

This chapter took forever too write.

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