'Hey, im with you ok? Always'

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Lately I've been in some really deep thought. I have been thinking about who I am and what it means. I think I'm bisexual. All my life I have liked boys but lately I have seen some girls and thought they were attractive too. I tried brushing it off thinking I just thought they were pretty looking, that's normal to do. But I've also been thinking that I wouldn't mind having a girlfriend. With all these thoughts rushing through my head I've been distant lately with dan, my best friend. We tell each other everything. I, of course, have not told him this. With my distance, dan has been very curious as to why I haven't been talking to him as much. He has been texting and calling and I do answer, just not as much as I have before. I am on my way over to his flat now however, and I think I'm ready to tell him about me. As I walk up to his door, I breath in and out trying to calm myself down. We've been friends for a few years now, I know he loves me no matter what. I'm not sure what I'm so nervous about. Just as I'm about to knock on his door, Phil comes out.
'Oh! Hey (Y/N). Sorry if I scared you. I'm just gonna go into town and get some stuff. Dan's mad I ate all his cereal last night so he's making me get more.' Phil says rolling his eyes. I laugh.
'Wow. Well I'm just here to see dan and talk to him. It's been a while. I'll see you when you get back.' I chuckle and walk in. Phil says goodbye and closes the door. I take my shoes off and walk into the lounge where I see dan.
'Hey Dan.' I say plopping down next to him. He closes his laptop and looks at me. I give him a confused look because he didn't say hi back.
'We need to talk' he says looking into my eyes. I gulp and say a breathy ok.
'Why have you been so distant? Did I do something wrong? Did you make a new best friend? What's going on?' He says all at the same time.
'No dan! Of course I haven't made a new best friend! You didn't do anything wrong at all. I promise. It's me if anything..' I say not looking at him. He furrows his eyebrows together.
'What do you mean it's you?' He asks quietly. I take a deep breath in.
'I think I'm bisexual.' I say putting my head in my hands. I hold my breath as I wait for him to say something...anything. After a minute I raise my head because he still hasn't said anything. When I finally meet his eyes, he is smiling yet has a confused look. I tilt my head.
'Why are you smiling but look confused?' I ask sitting up straight.
'Because I'm happy you you told me and are comfortable with it all and Im confused because it's not a big deal and I'm not sure why you're making it seem like one.' I stare at him shocked. Why wouldn't it be a big deal?
'You're not disappointed or anything? I don't know how this whole 'coming out' thing works! It's weird for me and Im not even sure with myself if I am bisexual but I do know I wouldn't mind dating a girl. I just don't know what to think or do dan!' I say throwing my hands in the air and then put my head back in them.
'Hey, I'm with you ok? Always. No matter who or what you are, I'm still gonna be your best friend. I'm still gonna annoy the living shit out of you and I'm still gonna be a clingy piece of trash. Nothing could ever change how I feel about you. Whether you're bisexual, lesbian, transgender, hell, you could be part giraffe and I'd still love you the same. I'm always gonna be here to talk and have a good laugh whenever you need me.' He says. I have to wipe a couple tears off my face because he's just so sweet.
'Thank you, Dan. You're the bestest friend I could ever have!' I say hugging him. He smiles and hugs back.
'So, do you wanna order some pizza and watch a movie?' He asks getting his phone out.
'That would be great. I'm starving.'

Dan Howell imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang