Its called a hangover

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I groan as I sit up in bed. My head is pounding and I feel nauseous. What happened last night? Oh yeah, the party. Vivid flashbacks come back into my memory. The dancing, laughing...drinking. Lots and lots of drinking. I get out of bed and stumble into the lounge where I'm greeted by my boyfriend dan, and best friend Phil.
'Good morning (Y/N)' Phil says loudly. I wince at his voice. 'What's wrong? Are you ok?' He asks quieter. I shake my head and sit by dan who's in his sofa crease. He puts his arm around me and I snuggle into him.
'What's wrong love?' Dan asks kissing the top of my head. I have a killer headache, I feel like I'm gonna be sick and I just want to shrivel up and die' I croak out. Dan laughs softly.
'It's called a hangover.' I bury my head in the crook of his neck.
'Well I don't like it' I say upset that I did this to myself. He laughs again and looks over to Phil. Phil is trying to keep in his laughs.
'Did I do anything stupid last night?' I ask praying he says no.
'Well you jump up on the table and tried taking your shirt off while singing teenage dream by Katy perry.' He says seriously. I look at him mortified.
'Are you serious?!' I say getting up quickly but then sitting down again because of my head. Him and Phil laugh super hard while holding their stomachs.
'No of course not. You think I'd let you do that?' Dan says wiping a tear from his eye. I calm down a little.
'Thank goodness' I say relieved. 'Well, I'm gonna get some Tylenol to help with my headache and then go back to bed.' I say and get up giving dan and kiss.
'Ok love, I'll bring you something to eat in a minute.' He says. I nod and head back upstairs. Last night better have been worth it.

A/N-hey lovelies! I hope you like this one. I've never had a hangover nor heard what one is like (except in movies) so I hope this is kinda similar😬 i am on my way to Reno, Nevada for a family trip and I have been in the car for like 5 hours and I've been up since 9PM and it's 5:22AM. We left at 12. I live in Oregon so it's a pretty long drive. So I'll be in the car for a while and thought I would write some little stories to keep me occupied. Sorry this is such a long a/n and not like anyone cares but yeah...have a great day!💜

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