I think im in love with you and im terrified-Phil

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Another sigh breaths out of my mouth as I see another picture of Phil on my tumblr. I have been thinking about Phil and how much he means to me. We have been friends for a few years now. He is my closest friend besides dan. Yes, Dan and I are good friends but there's just something about Phil that draws me to him. So, like I said, I have been thinking about him. A lot. More than usual. I have always thought he was handsome but I have never thought about wanting to date him...until now. He is just super sweet and funny. He makes me laugh when I need one and picks me up when I'm down. We are just always there for each other and that has made us super close. We hang out a lot since I live next door to them, so it's not hard to see them if we are busy or something. I hear my phone ring. I zone back into reality as I look down. It's Phil!
'Hey phil!' I say smiling into the phone.
'Hey (Y/N). Can you come over and help me with something?' He asks.
'What do you need help with?' I ask back already getting ready to leave.
'Can you help me with my boredness. Dan is visiting his family and I'm stuck here all alone.' He says. You can hear him pouting through the speaker. I laugh.
'Of course Phil. I'll be right there.' I say hanging up. I shake my head. Poor Phil. He's probably losing his mind being alone. I walk out my door and don't even take two steps and I'm in front of his door. Funny how fast you can get there when you're neighbors. I lift my hand up to knock and the door swings open.
'Thank goodness you're here. I'm going crazy being alone' and with that, he yanks me in. Not hard, but hard enough to make me lose my balance and jump into the apartment.
'So, before you lose your mind even more, what do you wanna do? Play a board game or something?' I ask looking for the games.
'Do you maybe wanna play the wii?' Phil asks turning in the tv. I smile.
'Sure! That sounds fun'
We each grab a remote and decide on a game. When we decide on one (Mario cart) we take our places and start to play. Me, being a great player like dan, usual beat him. But with the thoughts from earlier still racing through my mind, that doesn't happen.
'Yes! I actually beat you?! How?!' Phil asks jumping up and down on the couch. I don't notice but Phil is staring at me confused.
'What?' I ask looking over at him.
'Are you ok?' He asks concerned. I shake my head yes.
'Yeah, why?' I ask confused also.
'You just seem out of it. What's wrong?' He asks moving closer to me. I sigh
'It's nothing Phil. Sorry. Wanna play again?' I say trying to change the subject.
'We can play again once you tell me what's wrong.' He says sternly. I roll my eyes knowing he won't stop until I tell him. I sigh again and run my fingers through my hair. I look on the ground because I don't wanna look him in the eyes. Should I tell him? What will he think? Of course he'll think it's weird. Why would he like you like that? Finally, I just say it.
'I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified' I say quickly, looking at him. He looks shocked.
'I, umm...' is all he says.
'I knew I shouldn't have told you. I'm sorry Phil. I'm just gonna let myself out.' I say going to get up but then I feel something holding me back. I look behind and he's holding my hand. I turn around.
'Phil, you obviously don't like me back, so just save the pity talk and let me go.' I say to him.
'No. I can't save the pity talk because I don't have one. (Y/N), in really glad you told me because obviously I couldn't say it first. I really, really like you too. Have for awhile now.' He says. His cheeks turning a nice red shade. I smile.
'Really?' Is all I can say. He shakes his head and smiles back. I jump up and run him as tight as I can.
'So..(Y/N)? Do you wanna go out with me?' He asks hugging back just as tight.
'Of course Phil' after we hug we play some more Mario cart. This time me winning😊

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