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Dans POV
'Phil look, it's that girl again' I nudge and whisper to him. He looks in the direction I'm looking at.
'Is she following us?' He asks a little creeped out.
'Wha- no you twat, she just happens to be going to the same store as us.' I insult Phil. He's so weird when it comes to seeing the same person multiple times in a day.
'So do you like her?' He asks looking at me. Do I like her? I mean I know absolutely nothing about her...she does seem really cool.
'I don't know. She's pretty but I can't say I like her yet.' I say looking over at the girl again. Phil nodes.
'Well go talk to her' He says.
'Why would I do that?' I ask like it's the worst idea ever.
'Then don't. Come on we need to look for that board game.' He shrugs and walks away. I'm still looking at her. Her appearance is breathtaking. After a couple minutes of building up the courage to go and talk to her, I finally give in. I take a deep breath and walk over to her. I act like I'm looking in the same spot as her.
'So many to choose huh' I ask looking at her. She was bent over looking at a bottom shelf. She stands up and looks at me and smiles.
'Yeah. I can't decide whether or not I want this one or that one though' she says pointing to a couple PlayStation games.
'I recommend this one. It is very competitive and will really make you feel like a winner if you win' I say laughing a little. She laughs too.
'Well thank you...' she says.
'Dan' I say finishing her sentence. She nods.
'Thank you dan. I'm (Y/N).' She says. Wow her name is as beautiful as her.
'Lovely name (Y/N)' I smile at her.
'Thank you'
'Hey could I get your number? Maybe we can play your new game sometime together' I ask holding my breath.
'I'd like that' she says smiling wide. God I love her smile.
'Perfect. Here's my phone' I say. I thank her and say goodbye and find phil.
'I'm guessing you went to talk to her?' He says picking up the board game we were looking for.
'Yep and I even got her number' I smile wide showing him. He laughs and shakes his head and heads over to the checking desk.

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