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Xavier pov...

I got a call from and unknown number telling me my pack was  going to be attack because of sarah and clara.

These two sisters , i tell you. They always and always been irritated. I wanted to put sarah in the basement but my beta told me not to do it . As we would alert them..

I just wanted Ashni to be safe. As she is my rock. God i sound like a chik but its true. I've always love her ,since childhood and now i was in love with her and most important she was my mate.

As we don't wanted to alert them , the ceremony was on.

But i've already prepare everyone . And hide every man of mine in trees. Potions were given to them so that their sence were hidden. As my grandmother was a witch it was much easy for me.

Everything was in place. According to the information they were going to attack in number of 200. So i've gather more than 200 members/ warriors. As my pack has many allies it was easy.

Everyone was enjoying the party. Guess Ash was enjoying too.

Everyone knew this party wasn't really going to be great. I just hope Ash wouldn't be sad when she would found out.

Entering the hall, i found most of my guess was here. The hall was secure with special type of security and it has security barriers to protect the members in it .

Seeking for my mate , i've learn that My sweet little sister Maria got her mate , guess who jack.

I was shock but soon recover as ash was missing.

Hope you like it ..

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Love you peps✌

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