Chapter 01

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Finally landed to LA.
I knew that it was going to be disaster for me to adjust myself.
I hardly adjusted myself in NYC and all cause of Ryan. And somewhat cause of zayn as well. Now here no body is with me. I was all alone. I want zayn. I miss him. Badly.
I stepped in my granny's house. She opened the door and hugged me with her shaking body.
"Dadda! You should've not stand up at all. You're not well nah!" I complained as i broke hug.
I call her Dadda. Idk why and how i got habituated to call her Dadda.
She always had been really close to my heart and one of the amazing person who could understand me.
I loved her a lot.
I made her sit on her bed and talked to her for a while about my 1 year spent in NYC with all those friends and Specially Zayn.
I told her everything about zayn.
Showed her pic of him in my phone. She adjusted her spectacles and zoomed the pic.
"Ahow! He looks so handsome ah. And you guys look so beautiful together I must say!" She complimented and my cheeks turned into red.
"Oh common Dadda. After all he is my choice." I smirked as she laughed.
"Go baby. Take rest first. You must be tired as hell." She tapped on my back.
"Um yah. But I'll talk to zayn first. Let him know that I've reached perfectly fine. Or else he would kill me" I bit my lips as my cheeks turned into red again. Idk why but when i started talking about him to Dadda. I feel so good. Like I'm sharing about my life to the person who learnt me how to live life. Dadda had always been so special. Sharing with her was my favorite thing to do.
I went upstairs and banged my bags on the floor and took out my laptop. Found him online as i told him that I'd reach by this time.
Triinngg.. Triinnngg.
Screen appeared.
"He Baby Girl" He smiled.
Oh gosh i missed his smile from last few hours while travelling. Though i kept swiping pics on my phone. His smiling pics, Our kissing pics, All the fun trips pics, Specially that Unexpected Date pics.
"Hey zaynie. I miss you" All i could mutter was i miss you. Cause i badly do.
"Aw. I miisss you sooo much baby!" He pouted.
"So hows your granny? Is she okay?" Baby asked while adjusting his laptop on his lap.
"Yes love. She's doing fine. But her body was shaking while she hugged me. She really needs care." I stated and laid down on my bed.
"Aw. Now my baby is there to take care of her. But what about me? Who'll take care of me?" He pouted once again. Oh god he looks so cute while pouting. I swear if i was there, i would have kissed him.
"Zayn please. Don't make pouting faces ok." I said irritatingly.
"Oh. See you started hating me" he faked cry.
"Oh please. You drama king. I cant see your pouts. Cause i feel like kissing you when you pout. How can i kiss my laptop screen" I made sad face and he was like "awww".
"So when we gonna meet?" I quickly asked.
As i was missing him badly.
"If you want, i can fly there now. But baby i don't have wings. I wish i had" he pouted once again.
"Zayn I'm gonna kill you." I laughed.
"No. You're gonna kiss me. Not kill me" he giggled.
"Eh. You know what love. Gonna go to new university from tomorrow. Am not at all excited." I made sad face as he sighed a bit.
"I know. But don't worry. You'll make friends there as well. And here everyone is missing you already." He stated.
"I don't know zayn. I don't think so I'm able to make friends here." I sighed.
"Why babe?" He asked with concern.
"Cause nobody can be as best as my NYC gang. Nobody would ever be able to bear me. I'm gonna miss Harry's perverting, Louis' jokes, Nialler's food and Liam's bestieness." Sadness flattered on my face once again when i mentioned my best mates.
"Aw. I know. But who knows you may find atleast 1-2 people over there like our NYC gang. May be you can make LA gang" he laughed.
"Oh common. We're gang cause we made James lose. James the great NYC Gangster.
I'm not gonna fight for anyone here. Cause i loved only one person. And I'll love him forever anyway." I smirked.
"Ohhoooo. You know what? There's a secret i never told ya!" He raised his eyebrows and smirked.
"What?" I felt restless.
"That.... I fuckin love ya damn much!" A cutest smile flattered on his face which made me blush.
"Oho. I never knew that ah! You know we have another thing common?" I smirked.
"Common? What?" He excitedly asked.
"I love me too" i laughed so did he.
"Done with your lunch bae?" He asked.
"No. I mean. Granny asked me to take rest and have lunch. I told her that I'm gonna talk zayn first. I miss him so." I stood up from my bed and made my way to the bag from which i took out my PJs. Holding laptop in one hand.
"You told your granny about us?" He asked surprisingly.
"Of course i did. She likes you already." I smiled.
"Woah. Great. Its easy for us to get married nah." He smirked.
"Yaya. First come here to meet me. Then will get married you badass malik." I finally put the laptop on bed.
"I'll be visiting u soon love. Now go have your lunch and take rest. Byee. I love you." He greeted bye.
"Yaap. Bye baby. Love you so much. Take care ok." I muttered before shutting down the screen.
I felt amazing after talking to him. Like a stress released.
"I Love You Mr. Badass Malik." I mumbled and made my way to bathroom.

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