chapter 19

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*Atz's P.O.V.*

He left me in tears. Why was he so mad at me? Why the hell was he acting so cruel? What had i done so bad to deserve this from him? He had never been like this. It's gonna be a year of our relationship. He never behaved that bad to me.

I was sobbing. I could see kash coming in my view. She rushed to me and embraced me in a hug as she realized i was crying.

"Oh god what happened?" She asked rubbing my back as i was holding her so tight in a hug.

I was crying carelessly. I knew she was the one who could handle me crying. Her shirt must be soaking with my tears but i didn't care.

"Za..zayn.." I stuttered and she was soothing me.
"shh hey. Stop crying and tell me what happened? Zayn what?" She pulled away and rubbed some tears out of my cheeks.

"Z..zayn is mad at me" and i sobbed again. "I.. I don't know why"

She kept rubbing my back and tried to calm me down.

"Sh. Don't cry. I'll talk to him yeah?" She was over sweet for me.


"Why not?"

"He would yell at you"

"He won't"

"I'm telling you nuh. He will." I sobbed.

"Okay i won't. But you please stop crying. I can't see you like this please" she begged.

I stopped crying slowly. She took me to my room before anyone else could notice.

"You have anything to tell me?" She asked out of nowhere.

"Mhm." I just had no idea what to do. Should i tell her about Charlie thing?

"Niall told us." She said.

"Told what?" My brows raised at her.

"You and Charlie... Kissing"


"How.. How did he know?" I was almost lost in the shock that how Niall knew that?

"First you explain me. What was all that?" She asked with stern look.

"Tell me how did Niall know?" I was stubborn enough.

"He saw you guys kissing in the mall." She looked down as she was feeling so bad for being on my side. WTF How did he see us kissing and not telling everyone in front of me and telling secretly to everyone.

"Wait. Did niall tell this to zayn before i do?" I frowned.

"No. He didn't tell zayn yet. And wait. You didn't tell Zayn yourself?" She raised her brow. Of course i didnt.

"Then who told him?" I stood up abruptly.

"Gosh Norewood. You should have told him before. And you haven't explained me yet" she stood up and turned me around b gripping on my wrist.

"I'll explain ya. But is zayn mad at me for this? Or there's something  else?"


"Zayn?" I peeked through his half opened window expecting to see him.


He was packing his bags. Was he planning to go back right now? Oh No.

"Zayn wtf r u doing?" I entered in his room.

He didn't even look to me and kept on doing whatever he was doing.

"Zayn. I'm talking to you" i walked over to him and stopped his hands moving on his suitcase.

He looked up at me.

"I got some urgent thing to do. I'm sorry i have to leave now" he turned back to his closet.

"No you're not leaving at all." I ran over his closet and blocking his way there.

"Sorry Atz. For yelling at you." He said sorry but his eyes didn't meet mine which gave me electric shocks in the body and i didn't realise i started to cry.

He still didn't gather the courage to look up at me. "Zayn Please" i sobbed. I could feel his tears threatening to come out. But he held it anyway.

"I Love You Zayn. Please Don't do this to me now" I hugged him crying but he didn't hug me back. I was totally broken today by his all shitty behaviour. But i deserved it. Truly deserved it.

He didn't say the word.

I explained every fucking thing while crying in his arms. Now i could feel his arms wrapping around me as he realised it wasn't my fault.


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was planning to tell you today."

"You should have told me in the mall already"

"You might have had the fight with him"

"Of course i will kill that fucking monster"

"How did you get to know zayn? Did Niall tell you?"

"No he didn't. And wait. He Did know that before me?" His tone totally annoyed.

"I didn't even know he knew it until Kash told me in the morning after you left." I looked down at my feet.

He tilted my chin up to meet his eyes.

"I'm so sorry for being mad at you. I was so fucking irritated when i saw this" he pulled out his phone and showed me the picture of Charlie and I kissing. Fuck Who Took This Picture?

"Freak. Who sent you this?" I panicked.

"I dunno. Its an unknown see." He handed me the phone. It wasn't charlie's number though. Then who could do this with me? Who else wanted me and zayn breaking up on this shit except charlie?

"Its not charlie. Then who could it be?" I looked up at him with misery.

"Only Charlie can answer this." He stood up.
"No zayn. No fights for now." I begged him.

But he was as stubborn as me.

"He has to pay for kissing my girl." His fists balled up and i could see his veins popped out on his arms. It happens when he is mad af. God save him. And save me.

But we needed to find who sent this pic if he wasn't charlie.

The Mysterious Turn 2 » Z.M. {Completed)Where stories live. Discover now