chapter 04

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In The Beautiful evening of LA, I decided to stay home and work on my studies.

I opened the book and tried to figure out what it was. I swear i tried my hardest to gain all the concentration on the book but my mind went back to the train of thoughts

I miss him. Badly. It had been freakin' 2 weeks and 2 days since i met zayn last time. I miss his warm hugs and playful kisses. I remember how we used to spend time at my place watching movies and cuddling. I miss the whole HIM.

I grabbed my phone and dialled his number while chewing my pen. He didn't receive. Once again i tried, still no response. He might be busy. But i miss him. Its okay he will call back once he get know about my missed calls. I put back phone on table nearby and started to study. I couldn't figure out the exact problem and i got no idea where my brain actually travelling was. Fuck.

I sat myself on bed and gathered all the books, kept it on table and made my way downstairs. I bumped into Alex.

"Opz. Sorry." I looked up at her and she had been wearing her favorite grin. "It's alright baby! R u in hurry? Going somewhere?" She asked politely.

"Um. No. I'm just.. Ugh. I donno. M bored plus I miss zayn and he is not attending my calls. I don't know what to do" I made really sad face and she took my face in her palms. "Don't worry. He might be busy. He will call you back asap! Just relax. Umm. Talk to Charlie? If he can make your mood better." She gave me amazing idea btw. I should call charlie. But I kinda feel embarrassed calling him. Though he was my childhood best friend, I feel little annoying to him. I wish Liam,louis,Niall,Harry could be here. I could have called them without thinking for a minute even. But now. I need to call Charlie.

"Helllllo Pizza!" He said as he received the call.
"Hey Cheese ball." I sounded really low.
"What's wrong?" He quickly asked.
"Just nothing. I'm bored as hell." I sighed.
"Aww. Want me to come over? May be we can watch some movies and have fun playing games."He asked with really cool voice.
"Yeah..umm. If you're free." I hesitated a bit though.
"Wait for 2 mins. I'm there." He cut the call and I went upstairs to settle my bed. Took the phone and once again tried to call zayn.
Amazingly he didn't pick up this time even.

As i put the phone back on table, doorbell rang. I went downstairs to open the door. Clutched the handle and turned it to left. Door wide opened. A guy holding a big bouquet of roses flashed in front of me.
Oh god Charlie. How can he be like this? I mean i asked him to come over only and he did all these for me? Why?

Suddenly my phone buzzed and it caused my body tremble. I got out of my train of thought and took out phone to see message.

Cheese Ball :- Pizza I'm sorry. Will get late a bit. Stuck in traffic. See ya sooner.
Me:- Its Okie :)

I replied and look up. Wth? Why i make this guy stand here all the time. I walked up to him and he handed me that bouquet. I asked him who gave this and his replies were simple like he never knew who gave it to him.

I could see a small card dug inside roses. I put it down on table and took out the card.

Hey Lovely Girl. Hope you're having good day. Stay happy :-)
Love you forever.xx

Wtf? No name? Is this really given by charlie? Or? Or? Wtf. Fred? Oh shit i forgot that fred was found out in LA when he ran away from jail. Shit I'm scared. Scared as hell. Oh no. How could it be? Why wouldn't i have a little bit good moments? Firstly zayn is disappeared and now these roses? With this note? And no name. God I'll go nuts someday only cause of my life problems ugh.

I put my hand up on my head to check if I'm sweating or the temperature went high or not. The moment i could feel on my skin, doorbell rang again. I really hope to see charlie over there. If There's Fred, then he's gone. He is fucking GONE.

I ran to the door and opened it. Wth? Nobody aorund?  I took a step out of the house just to check if there's anybody a little far standing or else.

"Ouuuuuuchhhhhhhh" I screamed so loud that can make people deaf on that very moment. I felt a jerk on my back and somebody pulling me in using both of the hands so tight.

The Mysterious Turn 2 » Z.M. {Completed)Where stories live. Discover now