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2 Months Later ~

I was back in NYC. And took admission in same uni as zayn and others. It was surprise to them. They didn't know about my plan at all.

I had to come back here cause of my granny's death. Yes. She passed away 1 month back. Zayn was there to comfort me all the time. I couldn't have done it on my own if zayn wasn't there. He had to come back for uni after ditching 3 whole weeks of uni for me.

And now i decided to come back. My parents agreed for me to stay in NYC again with my brother. But i wanted to surprise zayn first.

I knocked at Zayn's door in the very morning around 7:45 a.m. I'm sure he must be sleeping and he hates being disturbed while sleeping.

After numerous knocks on his wooden door, i heard his voice saying "wait. Coming."

His morning husky voice, heard after pretty long. Still gives me all goosebumps. I was all lost in thinking that i didn't realize he is in front of me. His hair messy and all over his forehead. He is rubbing his eyes and the tattoos on his half naked body are looking as perfect as it were.

"Okay I'm dreaming bye " he slammed back the door. Really? Nuts. He thought he was dreaming wow.

"Zayn. Open the door. You're not dreaming." I yelled as he opened the door with his wide eyes. Shocked expressions all over his face. He grinned so wide that reached to his eyes.

"What? Really? Wait lemme touch you" he came closer to me and touched my hand. "Whoa its real. I really am not dreaming. Whoa whoa whoa"

He embraced me in a bone crushing hug as i kept giggling on his childish behavior.

"Really zayn?" I giggled. "You thought it was dream?"

"Umm. Yup. I'm kinda dreaming about you alot" he said still in his sleepy voice.

"Lets sleep?" He asked as he broke the hug.

"No I'm going back." I said sternly.

"What? Why? Where?" He started shooting questions. Oh my my. He was being so effin cute.

"Guess it was dream?" I started playing thw stupid dream game.

"I told ya you are here and it's a dream. Ugh" he looked so sad.

I couldn't resist and laughed on his behavior.

"It's not a dream." I said in between fists of laughter clutching my stomach.

"Woho. Someone started playing pranks on me ah?" He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me way too closer. I stopped laughing but that smile never left my face.

"Zayn.You.Looked.Amusing." i said stopping at each word making him smile.

He chuckled and let out a breath.

"But. You're here and it's not a dream. And Wait. Woho. You're here" he exclaimed with excitement.

"And.and.and... I'm gonna stay here with you." I completed and his eyes widen at my statement.

"Wtf. Temme this is not one of your prank." He looked unbelievably shocked.

"No Zayn." I laughed on his widen eyes expressions. He looked as funny as Niall.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" He asked shaking his head and trying to fade that funny expression he had.

"Causeeee.. Surpriiiiseee!" I raised my brow at him as he took in my words. Still not believing.

"You're gonna stay in NYC and Going to Study With us in same Uni?" He re confirmed.

"Ughhhhhhhh." I groaned dramatically. "Yes Sir. Do you want me to write it on stamp paper and submit it in court to give you all beliefs that I'M GONNA STAY AMD STUDY HERE WITH YOU."

"Fucckk" his eyes lit up and pulled me in for a hug. Eh i missed his warm hugs.

As he broke the hug, He cupped my cheeks and tilted my face up to meet his eyes.

"I missed stealing glances at you in the class, I missed sitting beside you and laughing on every silly thing, i missed playing pranks on you. Oh God. I'm gonna get all the things back. Eh." Excitement was so clear in his voice which made me smile wider than ever.

"I missed these too zayn. I missed you. Being all around me when i need you, staying over for watching movies and cuddling, those unexpected kisses and dates. Everything with you is so perfect." With these word , a sweet smile crept over his lips making his face 100× beautiful.

He caressed my jaw with his forefinger before pulling me in for a sweet soft and loving kiss. His Lips over mine. Sending chills down my spine, Moulding perfectly and moving in a sync. His one hand rested over my hips and one hand cupped my cheeks for pulling me toward him to deepen the kiss. My both hands wrapped around his neck allowing him to kiss me full.

I missed his kisses.


"Whhhhaaaaaaatttttt?" Louis,Liam,Niall,Harry,Kash,Ann,Skyler probbaly screamed in unison.

"Yes. You guys should be happy. But you all look like mad at me" i looked down with last sentence leaving my mouth.

"Dumb. They're just surprised" Ryan wrapped his arm around me. I looked up at them and they were frozen in state where they screamed What.

"Guess we're having mannequin Challenge here" i giggled as they moved and started jumping like mad pulling me in for a group hug.

"Ow shit norewood. I missed being around you in school. But now we're in uni. So lets say in uni." Louis was the first one to crash me in a hug.

"Aye. Louis i missed my sassy master." I giggled against his chest as everyone else hovered over us.

I Missed My Gang Way Too Much.

"Eh let her breath." Zayn announced as everyone started pulling away.

"She's gonna be with us now. So no more missing." Zayn looked happiest in all. His toothy smiles.

He walked up at me dragging away from louis who was still holding me like a chocolate held by little kid in fear of snatching away.

"She's mine, Mate" Zayn giggled.

"Yeah.yeah. don't forget she is my best friend as well." Louis stated in his sassy manners.

Zayn wrapped his one arm around me and bell rang.

"Ugh. Classsss" Niall Groaned as his half sandwich was left.

"You foodie dumb. Lets get going" Li grabbed his arm standing him up for leaving canteen as he whined like a little kid.

"My first class With Her." Zayn declared as we left canteen.


AN:- Thanks A Lot Guys For Giving a chance to this fanfic. This story is very very special to me. And do comment if you like it. Don't matter when you start reading, just tell me if it was good or not. Cause basically it was my first fiction , i completed. And the first one which was long af that splitted in two books. Tbh i only have one reader here. I appreciate how she loves my writing. Shout out to my only and favorite reader Tessabaksi my tessy messy who had been supporting well enough to encourage me for writing more. And yashu_xo for pushing me daily for new chapter. I did upload this story on Instagram as well. And yashvi is my Insta Reader. As well as khushi and Ann. Thanks to everyone. XX

The Mysterious Turn 2 » Z.M. {Completed)Where stories live. Discover now