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memedablord: i'll confess to him, wish me luck

boyfriendmaterial69: Good luck! :)

Today was another day of practicing and learning new dancing choregraphies. Got7 managed to stole international fans hearts by flawless entertainment shows and concerts which were planned during practice hours. Now, the leader, known as JB, stood in front of them loudly, with a clear pronunciation explaining several ways to get more rest between shootings and concerts. Looking at their tired, pale faces the leader could tell nobody slept well the night before dance practice. Their ignorant attitude concerned Jaebum, he meant well and never wanted his friends to blindly overwork themselves.

Yugyeom seemed exhausted, his legs were trembling, feeling like almost fainting. Bambam, on the other hand,didn't look better than Yugyeom either, his eyes had black circles under them and his face whiter than the walls surrounding him. However, surprisingly enough, he seemed really happy and focused on today's schedule. Confident and persistent, he listened his hyung's suggestions and made his best to dance correctly,on the beat.

During lunch break they sat down on the wooden floor, losing patience as they waited for the food to arrive. Meanwhile, Youngjae's laughter accompanied Jackson's mischievous puns and jokes.His laugh brought joy to everyone, making them smile despide the tiredness. Mark, slowly and unnoticeable, got closer to Jackson, standing back to back with him. Bambam could see every detail, every little move his hyungs made. His heart started racing though, because he had a big plan for that day, he had a lots of things to do.

Firstly, Bambam had to defeat the thing he feared the most: confessing to his crush. Looking around, not daring to make eye contact with the younger, he stood up. Yugyeom was in the opposide side of the practice room, standing with his back glued on the cold mirror.

Bambam's body was moving towards the maknae's place, without really wanting to. His knees started shaking slowly, feeling like he gained a lot of weight out of nowhere. He loved that little mole, Yugyeom had under his right eye, it had the shape of a small spring flower. He also loved his pink shining lips and the way he was breating after dancing.

Bambam pinched himself, shaking his head. He got  closer to the younger until he was right in front of him. He sit down and caught Yugyeom's attention. He seemed confused.

"Gyeom, I have to talk to you. I mean, we have to talk, I don't like that we ignore each other." Bambam's voice was shaking too but hopefully Yugyeom wouldn't notice that.

"Me neither, Bambam." He smiled.

"I think that can wait, I have to talk to him now." A strong voice declared .

Bambam eyes, fixed on Yugyeom's gentle ones, followed his gaze and turned around facing Jinyoung. He was standing up, with an open bottle of water in his left hand and his glasses reflecting little lights from the ceiling.

"What did I did now, Jinyoung-ah" Yugyeom said annoyed.

"I'm older than you, punk. I'm your hyung, stop disrespecting me" Jinyoung said, giving both of them his well known death stare and making a gesture, that looked like he wanted to playfully punch Yugyeom.

Bambam shrugged , these two were hilarious. "It can wait, Yugyeom, go with him, I think is important, maybe you got into trouble again" Bambam said , slightly laughing at his bestfriend. His voice sounded normal again. Maybe he wasn't ready and Jinyoung saved the situation. Or maybe, it wasn't supposed to happen like that.

All his thoughts faded away when Yugyeom's arms wrapped around his skinny yet masculine body, warming him. His calm disappeared too.

After that, Yugyeom followed Jinyoung in an isolated room, slapping his back like Youngjae does to everyone when he can't control himself. Yugyeom lived for annoying his hyungs, especially Jinyoung.

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