
358 18 9

Last monday at 11:07

boyfriendmaterial69: Good morning sunshine! :)

memedablord: why arent our conversations saved on my tumblr anymore

boyfriendmaterial69: Don't tell me you deleted them when you were drunk.

memedablord: i cant remember shit, my eyes just hurt like hell and my headache is killing me

boyfriendmaterial69: Drink water, get some pills, ask someone to stay besides you, maybe your leader.

memedablord: im home alone lol and he has things to do

boyfriendmaterial69: I wish I was there with you...

memedablord: liar

Last tuesday at 23:45

boyfriendmaterial69: How are you feeling?

memedablord: im fien u

boyfriendmaterial69: I'm good too.

memedablord: gr8

Last wednesday at 13:07

memedablord: sup bro

✅ seen at 13:55

Last thursday at 18:36

boyfriendmaterial69: I'm cool. What about you? Sorry I've been busy...

✅ seen at 20:28

Last friday at 15:46

memedablord: yeah me 2

✅ seen at 15:47

Last sunday at 6:41

memedablord: what uve been up to?

boyfriendmaterial69: Well I made a really good friend and I have a huge project to be done with by the end of next year.

memedablord: luckly its january

boyfriendmaterial69: Yeah. What about you, babyboy? :)

memedablord: dont ignore me for days and then call me that

boyfriendmaterial69: I'm sorry. I know you needed support and everything but I don't think I'm enough alone to give you all the good you deserve.

memedablord: how r u so dramatic all of a sudden?

boyfriendmaterial69: I missed you.

memedablord: missed u 2

boyfriendmaterial69: Everytime I go to your blog I end up laughing really hard.

memedablord: ur welcome

boyfriendmaterial69: So what you've been doing?

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