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It was the time after Yugyeom won the first place at Hit The Stage. He arrived home later than ever. After three days of not sleeping, as his right foot entered his and Bambam's apartment, he collapsed on the floor.His knees, full of bruises and wounds, couldn't hang his body anymore.

Firstly Yugyeom tried to get up, but as his body layed on the warm floor, passing out wasn't an option but something he couldn't have avoided.

Bambam hasn't seen his best friend in a long time. The older knew Yugyeom had succeeded and he enormously regretted not being able to be there for the final show. He passed the hall observing that the door was widely opened. Excited, he couldn't wait to ahow his proudness to Yugyeom by hugging him tightly and maybe even order some food and drinks for him.

Jumping all over the place, he almost tripped over Yugyeom. When he looked at him, his heart started doing the thing again.

He lifted up heavy luggage, the taller one having his arm around it, and with both of his hands he tried to keep balanced and put it inside their room.

Now so long after, he tried to drag the taller one to his bed but failed. He sat down, next to him and looked at his beautiful mole placed under the right eye and at the one on his neck. That heart shaped mole was reserved for Bambam's kisses.

When Yugyeom had a really bad day, he usually ran home as fast as he could, with his arm opened and teared up eyes, knowing his precious Kunpimook would kiss his tear drops away one by one. And that's what he did back then, he slammed the door in a certain way. It might sound weird but Bambam has learned in time, how to read maknae's mood by the sound the door made when he opened it. Bambam paid attention to every single detail because every detail about the younger was worth learning.

Anyway, those types of events happened just occasionally, fortunately. Usually, Yugyeom took care of Bambam in the most cliche ways such as giving him his shoes when the older one had his pair broken and had to walk on the dirty sharp rocks with his bare feet or running in the rain a mile just to give Bambam his forgotten passaport.

Sadly, there was a time Bambam had some stomach problems and he couldn't eat anything for days unless he vomited afterwards. In those days, the older spent most of the time in the bathroom, next to the sink, because he felt like puking 24/7. Kunpimook felt so weak, he had high temperature, his body was weak due to lack of sleep and he got chills and goosebumps feeling like he was cold. In those days, Yugyeom took his days off from school, training and mostly all got7 stuff, to stay with Bambam.

The possibility of Yugyeom getting the same illness was huge and JYP couldn't take care of another idol's health so the only agreement Yugyeom dared to make was that he got to stay home with his friend in change of his words, so he promised that he won't get ill and won't stay near Bambam. Of course Yugyeom broke his word with a record of 10 minutes.

He got home and held Bambam by the hand in the crack of the door. On one side of the wall, Yugyeom had his back glued to it as he sat down on the floor, and on the other side, Bambam had his head bent over the sink, feeling like dying. In the middle, their fingers collided, hands hanging strongly. However, Bambam got through the exhausting illeness easier with Yugyeom besides him. Somehow, after Yugyeom grabbed his hand and caressed it ,he didn't feel the pain.

Bambam's illness lasted four rough days and surprisingly Yugyeom had spent those days in the same spot, on the other side of the wall, not eating and never letting go of Bambam's hand, just in crucial times. Yugyeom felt like he had to suffer like his friends did, to understand his pain and let him know he was never alone.

And of course as Bambam got well, Yugyeom fell into the illness right away. And his illnes had a more powerful impact on him because of some medical issues he already had. Breaking his promises, he had to work three times harder after he recovered, that including spending seven hours a day training and other seven at school.

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