doing what you should be doing

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memedablord: yep, sub bro

boyfriendmaterial69: Did you just bro me? For real?

memedablord: oh oh i have smth to tell u

boyfriendmaterial69: What?

memedablord: i had a dream bout u

boyfriendmaterial69: Really? What happened?

memedablord: secret ;)

boyfriendmaterial69: Not fair. :(

memedablord: ;)

boyfriendmaterial69: I'm sad.

memedablord: nothing new; wut else

boyfriendmaterial69: You have puns, hah?

memedablord: so y u sad

boyfriendmaterial69: Love problems?

memedablord: aw man u got a bf or gf?

boyfriendmaterial69: Not really... is it possible to be attracted to more than one person?

memedablord: Ofc, u can have a husband n still look for some nice piece of ass

boyfriendmaterial69: But...

memedablord: i hope u know being attracted is different than liking

boyfriendmaterial69: I don't get your point.

memedablord: u have no idea what love is do u

boyfriendmaterial69: Just tell me.

memedablord: Well firstly, you can be attracted to many people  but still wouldn't have sex or build an emotional bond with them. Something like no strings attached.

boyfriendmaterial69: Oh yeah,I know that.

memedablord: Didn't ask you. And second of all, liking people in a romantic and sexual way is not so common. If you like 2 people that way then it's complicated and If they like you back then more likely you'll have to decide whom's feelings are more powerful.

boyfriendmaterial69: What if I like 3?

memedablord: I don't know man... that's a hard question.

boyfriendmaterial69: What would you do?

memedablord: act recklessly and that's exactly what you shouldn't do.

boyfriendmaterial69: Oh...

memedablord: Summary: you're fucked.

boyfriendmaterial69: Great.

memedablord: ohooo man im jkjk

boyfriendmaterial69: You better be.

memedablord: I mean if they like you back then you really are something.

boyfriendmaterial69: I like them... they don't. Just one of them.

memedablord: then keep him/her

boyfriendmaterial69: I can't.

memedablord: Why? The others don't deserve you.

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