Chapter 7

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The face that lay underneath the rogue Spider-Man's mask shocked everyone. It was nearly identical to Peter's.

"Friday, analyze it now," Tony ordered.

"Yes, boss," the AI said. "It is made out of a synthezoid material, but it's different."

"Different how?" Vision asked.

"It is made out of more of Peter's DNA than it is synthezoid," the AI concluded.

"So it's a clone?" Bruce questioned.

"Well, it is not exactly like Peter, but is made of his DNA, so yes and no," Friday answered.

"Who could've made a clone of Peter?" Steve asked.

"Doc Ock," Peter snarled through clinched teeth.

He stood over by the window, and when his hand balled up in to a fist, Pietro and Wanda were the only ones to notice. 

"Where's Natasha?" Peter asked suddenly noticing the red head's absence.

"She was kidnapped a few days ago and we don't even have the slightest trace of her and her were abouts," Steve answered.

Peter's shocked expression could be seen through his mask and then he marched out of the room. He went down the hall to his room, because it was the only one with a window that opened. He opened his window and jumped out. He swung to his Aunt May's house and swung into his room. He searched on his computer for all of Doc Ock's activity.

Everything started popping up o this computer screen and he looked over it all. He had bought two warehouses, one was the one he had been kidnapped and placed in.

He swung out of his bedroom and started his hunt for Doc Ock.


Ava, Danny, Luke, and the Avengers all stood in the lab and watched over the clone in the stasis tube.

"Mind if we collect a sample to take to SHIELD?" Ava asked innocently.

Bruce shrugged.

"Sure," he replied.

Ava grabbed the sample and they took off. Tony walked over to Bruce.

"How are levels holding?" Tony asked.

"Steady, but every thirty minutes there's a spike in the brain causing spikes of power and how much of Peter's DNA is present," Bruce replied.

Suddenly a huge spike appeared on screen and it bounced from the point it was at to normal position every second.

"That's not good," Bruce said shocked as he backed away. "It's going to blow!"

They all ran and duck to the floor as the stasis tube exploded.

"Is everyone okay?" Steve asked.

"Yeah," they all mumbled at once.

"But not for long," a voice snarled.

Next thing they all knew, the clone Spider-Man had leaped and grabbed Clint, turned around and jumped threw the glass window.

"Suit up! We have to get everyone back," Steve said.

"And lucky for you, I'm coming too," Deadpool snarled.

What everyone didn't notice was that Wanda, the quiet Sokovian girl, started to slip out of the room.


Doc Ock stood at the computer screen. Natasha still sat chained up to the pole. Natasha was still struggling too.

"Ms Romanoff you do realize that you will never break free from those chains," Doc Ock laughed.

The sound of glass shattering and it falling onto the floor of the abandoned warehouse echoed throughout the warehouse.

"Ah, your back, and what is that you have with you?" Doc Ock said with glee.

"Clint Barton. Won't be long till they come looking for him too and now the other spider is after you too," the clone snarled.

"Good work, you are proving very successful. Now we must prepare for Spider-Man's attack on us, it won't be long," Doc Ock stated as he went back to work on the computer.

The clone Spider-Man dragged Clint over next to Natasha and chained him to the next beam over.

"Why are you doing this?" Natasha asked.

The clone looked at her with his cold stare.

"Because it's all I've ever...known," he said reality hitting him in the face.

"And did you ever wonder why doesn't Doc Ock ever call you by your name?" Natasha questioned.

The confusion and realization on his face was able to be seen through his mask. He finally realized how cruel Doc Ock really was.

" don't have a name," he said in a low voice that Natasha could barely hear him.

Natasha then looked at his costume and looked it over.

" about Scarlet Spider to start with," Natasha offered.

"Scarlet Spider," he tried for himself. "Yeah for a superhero name, but what about my real name?"

"Lets save that for another time," Natasha smiled.

They heard a groan come from Clint's way. They turned to looked and saw him starting to wake up.

"Now how about you let us free?" Natasha asked.

"Not now," he whispered. "Wait until we can stab Doc Ock in the back."


Peter had started swinging from building to building, trying to see if Doc Ock and Natasha were in them. He eventually came to the one he had been held captive in. He went into the lab through a huge hole in the side of the building. He started to look around, but all he found was shattered glass, destroyed computers, and other smashed electronics, tools, and devices.

Finding nothing, he shook his head and started back for the hole in the wall. He was surprised when he was grabbed by the arm and pulled back in. He fell to the floor then sprang back up into a fighting stance, but when he found it was only Wanda, he relaxed his muscles and got out of his fighting stance.

"What are you doing here?" he asked Wanda.

"I'm here to help you," she replied.

"I don't need help," he snapped at her.

"Yes, you do," she said.

"No, I don't," he replied.

"You think I didn't look inside of Doc Ock's head?" she said as Peter had started back for the hole.

He turned heel and looked back at her.

"He's waiting for you. He wants to tear your whole world down. If you go alone he will do just that and kill you," she stated.

Peter pulled off his mask, and looked back at her. He walked back over and kissed her. When he pulled away he mumbled one thing to her.

"Thank you."

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