Chapter 18

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Peter clawed at the back of his neck trying to fight off the voices in his head.

Come on. Just let us help you and cause Carnage. You are weak where we are strong, it coaxed.

"No!" Peter screamed as he clawed at the back of his neck.

He had noticed that they would send someone to watch him all the time. He guessed that they didn't trust him as long as he had the symbiote. Right now they had sent Tony to watch him, which was surprising considering it was the middle of the night.

"Look, um, kid, Spider-Boy. I know this is difficult for you, but it's also taking a toll on all of us, especially Wanda," Tony sighed. "I guess what I'm trying to say is...we need you to calm down so we can destroy that symbiote and get you back to normal."

"Don't you think I've tried?" Peter asked.

Peter took control of the symbiote and revealed his face.

"I've tried everything, but it doesn't work with Carnage, I don't know why, but it just does. As for Wanda, I can't be with her anymore. I can't do it when I have the memory of Gwen still haunting me. I could've saved her if I would've been quicker. What if I'm in the same situation with Wanda? I just can't make anyone else lose someone because of me," Peter stated.

"Is there any way to get the symbiote off of you?" Tony asked.

Peter though long and hard about it. His eyes widened in realization.

"Noise," Peter answered.

He stood up and walked to the front of the cell. He balled up his fist and punch against the bar. It sent out a ringing. He knelt down on his knees in pain as the symbiote went crazy and started screeching. Once it returned to its normal state, or at least how normal a chaos craving symbiote that brings out anger and rage can get, Peter looked back up at Tony.

"If you can get enough noise produced at once, get someone to get me out of the symbiote, and then contain the symbiote, that might be the only way to help at all," Peter breathed heavily.

The door to the cell block opened and Kaine walked in.

"It's, uh my turn, Mr. Stark," Kaine sighed.

Tony stood up and walked out the metal doors that closed shut behind him. Kaine walked over and sat in the chair that Tony had been sitting in moments before. Kaine kept his eyes away from Peter.

"So, you figured out a way to get the symbiote off?" Kaine asked.

Peter nodded in reply.

"Enough noise could help," Peter mumbled.

"Look, I'm sorry about kidnapping you and taking you to Ock and everything, but I wasn't myself. Ock had used a serum on me that brainwashed me," Kaine sighed.

"I understand completely," Peter mumbled to himself as he looked down at his symbiote covered hands.


Wanda woke up the next morning. She quickly changed into a black dress and grey hoodie. She walked into the main Avengers area were everyone was eating breakfast, except Peter........She went and grabbed a box of cereal and milk and poured herself a bowl of cereal and milk. She say down at the table and quietly ate her cereal.


She felt a hand place itself on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Tony.

"I talked to Peter last night. The REAL Peter," Tony stated.

"What did he say?" Wanda asked.

"He said that if we made enough noise we could possibly get him away from the symbiote, but he talked about you some....." Tony sighed.

Wanda gave him a puzzled look.

"He said that he didn't want to be with you anymore, because he wants to protect you. Remember Gwen, his currently deceased girlfriend? He blames himself completely for her death and he doesn't want to hurt you either. You can go talk to him after you finish eating," Tony said as he walked into the kitchen to get him another cup of coffee.

Wand quickly finished her cereal and took it to the sink in the kitchen. She practically ran to the cell block. She looked in and saw his SHIELD team: Ava, Danny, Luke, and Sam. They all stared at him for a while before slowly leaving.

"We still got a job to do," Ava sighed as she made Luke, Danny, and Sam leave.

Wanda walked and sat in a chair they had set up there for whoever had to watch him could sit. She looked in the cell and saw Peter laying on the small bed in there sleeping. The symbiote had uncovered his face. What had Tony said could get the symbiote off of him. Noise? Wanda stood up and went to Bruce's lab. She grabbed a small metal container and ran back to the cell block. She walked up to the front of the cell. She focused on the bars and made them vibrate.

The noise got to Peter as he was suddenly screaming in pain. She used her other hand to rip the symbiote away from Peter. She pushed it through the bars and and locked it in the metal box. She relaxed and started to walk away with the box back to the kitchen where the rest of the Avengers were still eating breakfast.

Wanda walked in with the small metal box and looked at all of them. They noticed the box and started puzzled at it.

"What's in the box?" Steve asked.

She motioned for them to follow her back to the cell block. The automatic door opened and she pointed at Peter's cell. They all rushed over and looked in.

"Where's the symbiote?" Bruce asked.

Wanda knocked her hand on the box.

"I got it off of him while he was asleep," she smiled to her self.

"Get him to my lab," Bruce ordered the rest.

Steve and Clint walked in and picked up the unconscious webslinger. They carried him carefully to Bruce's lab and sat him down on a hospital bed.

Maybe things are starting to get better, Wanda thought to herself. Even if he doesn't want us to be a thing, it doesn't mean I can't hope the best for him.

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