Chapter 8

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Pietro looked around the lab, now noticing the absence of his sister. He went to his bedroom to see if he could still feel her heartbeat right next to his. It was there. He let out a sigh of relief and now wished he had Wanda's powers so he could contact her. He looked at the desk in his room and saw his comm on it. He grabbed it and sped over to his sister's room. He looked at her desk and saw her comm gone. He lifted his finger to his ear and pressed on his comm.

"Wanda?" he asked. "Wanda!"

"I'm alright," she said over the comm.

"Where are you? I looked around and you were gone," he spoke to his twin.

"I'm with Peter. I'm helping him with Doc Ock," Wanda replied nervously.

"No, you can get back over here and Peter can handle his own business. Oh, wait, no, I'll get all the Avengers over there and they can help, unless you two have nothing on Ock," Pietro smirked.

"I-I'll be there in a minute," Wanda sighed.

Pietro smiled. He had caught Wanda sneaking out to go help Peter.

"Sure, she just wanted to see him," he leaned against her desk and started tapping his foot.


Wanda sighed as she stopped talking to Pietro.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked.


That's all she had to say to make Peter's brown eyes go wide.

"," he stammered.

"We better go unless we want him coming here," Wanda stated.

"Unless I'm already here."

Wanda and Peter both jumped as the speedster had quickly ran to the warehouse. He walked over to Peter.

"If you hurt my sister," he snarled through clinched teeth as he grabbed the fabric of Peter's costume and twisted it so he could lift him off the ground. "I hurt you."

He dropped Peter on the floor and grabbed Wanda in his arms. He ran back to the Tower leaving Peter on the cold floor of the warehouse.



Scarlet Spider kneeled next to the red head and poked her in the arm.


"What do you want Scarlet Spider?" Natasha asked.

"You said that you'd give me a name today," he sighed

"Listen just go on ahead and ask her out so we can get this torture over with," Clint joked next to them.

"Did you forget? I'm practically a clone I don't really have emotions," he snapped at Clint.

Natasha sat up as the two stared at each other intensely.

"Look at me Scarlet Spider," Natasha said.

He turned to look at the red head.

"You're not going to like this but lift up your mask," Natasha stated.

Scarlet Spider lifted his mask up and waited as Natasha studied his face.


Peter stood up and dusted himself off from when Pietro threw him on the ground. He made his way back over to the hole and started swinging around the city again. He decided that he would stop and then at night he would go to the Tower, get Wanda, and they would continue their search.

He swung back to his house and took off the top part of his costume and then faceplanted on his bed. He thought he would just clear his head before going out for Doc Ock again.


"I'm leaving to go meet up with some old......acquaintances," Doc Ock chuckled to Scarlet Spider. "Now remember don't let them go no matter what and just so you can't change your mind I'll take the key with me."

Scarlet Spider stood from where Natasha had been looking at his face and put his mask back on.

"Yes sir," Scarlet Spider snapped at the scientist.

Doc Ock then left the warehouse to leave the three alone.

"If guys are going to make out I'm going to barf," Clint joked.

"Doc Ock made me without emotions remember?" Scarlet Spider said. "I don't have feelings for anyone."

"Scarlet Spider I can't come up with any names for you. I'm sorry. Maybe you should talk to Peter since you are his clone," Natasha suggested.

"Where would I find him?" Scarlet Spider snapped without even realizing it.

"He will either be on patrol, at his Aunt May's house, or at Avengers Tower," Clint answered.

Scarlet Spider shot a web out of his wrists and swung out of the warehouse to leave Natasha and Clint alone.


Doc Ock made his ways into the sewers and crawled through it to finally end up in a dead end.

"We were afraid you wouldn't make it, Octavious."

"Well it's not everyday you have the opportunity to finally end Spider-Man," Doc Ock laughed.

"And the Avengers."

Doc Ock looked around and saw several of the Avengers and Spider-Man's worst enemies. Loki, Green Goblin, Whiplash, the Vulture, and Ultron.

"I thought you died," Ock questioned Ultron.

"Oh I did, but they forgot to destroy one last robot. I transferred over and.....evolved," Ultron's robotic voice spoke.

"Now, let's get to business. How to destroy the Avengers and Spider-Man," Green Goblin laughed maniacally.

"The girl," Loki said.

"Which one Romanoff or Maximoff?" Whiplash asked.

"Maximoff, she seems to be the center of all of the Avengers attention," Loki said.

"I already have Barton and Romanoff held captive in my lab," Doc Ock laughed. "But will Maximoff hurt Spider-Man?"

"Oh yes," Loki chuckled. "They have feelings for each other."

"How do you know?" Ultron questioned.

Loki waved his hand and conjured up an image of right when Wanda and Peter kissed.

"So, the Russian girl is special to all of them," Wiplash stated.

"It appears so," Doc Ock answered.

"So is it agreed that if we want to tear them down we have to kidnap her and kill them in front of them all?" Loki asked.

"Agreed, and I think I have the perfect way to kidnap her," Doc Ock chuckled.

"How?" Ultron asked.

"My creations the clone of Spider-Man or if you want to use his real name, Peter Parker," Doc Ock laughed.

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