Chapter 11: Villains Have Hearts... Just Very Small Ones Made Of Stone.

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The first thing I gained awareness of was the softness of the bed sheets. My fingers curled around the silky blankets as the budding confusion stirred me awake.

The familiar barking tugged my lips into a small smile and soon my face was coated in a thin layer of Winchester's slober.

He barked maniacally as I stirred and rested his entire body on my stomach, making me gasp for air.

"You're awake! Thank God!" Jazmine's worried face came into view on my left.

A wave of relief washed over me as I recognised the matte silver ceiling of my HQ bedroom.

My mouth tried to form a 'W' but I momentarily forgot how to do it.


"Oh God, you must be so confused. It was crazy." She started, throwing her hands in the air to emphasise her point. "That psychopath who tried to rob the place knocked you out."

"I- I guessed that part." I said, my mouth dry and unforgiving. "I'm just g-glad it wasn't you who did it."

She laughed, resting her hands on my left arm, sending a spike of pain to shoot upwards towards my shoulder.

"Agh!" I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to bite through the pain.

"Oh God! I completely forgot about that, I'm sorry." She pulled her hands inwards and her mouth formed an unfamiliar, distasteful frown. "He had a knife. I didn't see it until it was too late." She seemed to fall into a trance of sadness as she stared at my arm and, what I assumed were, stitches at the edge of my right eyebrow.

"H-how did I get here?" I asked.

She snapped out of her daze and huffed, a more familiar smile taking place on her mouth.

"That friend of yours appeared." She stated with surfacing confusion. "He just started beating the crap out of the guy. Slamming him against the walls with his electric bolts and what not. It was crazy." She shook her head in disbelief.

After a long minute of healing solitude while we both pondered over the whole situation, I broke the silence.

"I'm glad it's over." I swallowed, a feeling of stupidity plaguing my senses. "I'm glad he's gone."

Her eyes widened.

"He saved your life!" She cried in disbelief.

I stared at her, my face heavy with exhaustion and no other emotional expression of any kind.

"But he's a bad person. I'm pretty sure he did all that because they ruined his brilliant plan to steal the money for himself."

She sighed and I could sense a lecture coming. But I was wrong.

"Well," she shrugged. "Go ask him why. He's outside."

I pursed my lips with surprise and a further feeling of dread.

"He's outside? Why? What is he doing here? Why can't he go rob a bank or something?" My head slammed onto my pillow and I let out a pained moan at the contact. She stared at me, upset.

"Whether you like it or not, you are going to have to face him. So I suggest you get your ass out of bed, put on a pair of shoes and head to the roof." She said plainly, like a insistent mother. "As soon as you feel better, that is."


I had to admit, the view from the roof was spectacular.

I climbed up the steel fire escape and was met with the slowly dawning sun peeking over the horizon and a warm, enigmatic glow hovered over the streets. Though it was still fairly dark, I could see the silhouette of TerraStorm sitting on the edge.

Hardly A Hero [REWRITTEN ON NEW ACCOUNT]Where stories live. Discover now