Christmas Time!

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Aphmau walks in with a Christmas tree. I'm watching anime in the living room. I dash over, and help her put it up on the holder. Kawaii~Chan is singing jingle bells softly in the kitchen, while baking gingerbread cookies. she skips in, still humming.
"Aphmau~Senpai, Katelyn~sama! Its snowing!!"Kawaii~Chan giggles. She then looks over and sees the tree.
"Oooooh a tree! Kawaii~Chan will be right back!" I hear footsteps going into the basement. Soon, she calls for me.


We now have three boxes of Christmas decorations, in the living room all the supplies is not just for the tree. Kawaii~Chan turns on Christmas music, We all have a blast whilst decorating the house.
"Oh yeah," Kawaii~Chan exclaims exitedly, "Kawaii~Chan's cookies are cooling, and in 30 minutes we get to decorate them!!" Aphmau starts fangirling.
"This will be so fun! Thanks for letting me help at your house! Aaron and I decorated early!" "You're Welcome! It's fun to have you here! And yeah! It is fun!" I giggle.
Suddenly a timer goes off. The cookies are cool! We decorate the cookies, and hang out for the rest of the night. Honestly, I had an amazing time!!

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