Solving the Problem

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~Travis' POV~

I lay in bed, staring at my deep green Ceiling, warm tears streaming down my face. I soon hear a small tap on my door, pretending nothing is wrong, I say

"Come In." Dante walks in.

He gives a small smile "Hey, Travis!"

"Yes, Dante?" I question, annoyed.

"Katelyn is pretty upset right now, and from the looks of it, you are too."

"Yeah, so what?!" I snap.

"Travis, you're in love with Katelyn, this is so sudden. Why did you break up with her?"

"I-uh," I begin to sob "I don't love her anymore!"

"Then why are you crying, Travis, Katelyn was so happy to be with you!"

"Yeah, Right"

"She just Thanked me, today! For telling you."

"Wait whhhaaaaattt!!" My eyes widen. "I thought she was cheating on me!" My face heats up from my stupidity.

"Travis, go fix it." His deep blue eyes are usually soft, and easygoing, but right now his glare felt as if it was peircing through my skin.

I nod, and stumble down the stairs, I throw the door open, and rush to my girl's house. Praying she would forgive me.

~ Katelyn's POV~

I listen to my favorite music, but it doesn't help, nothing helps. Kawaii~Chan peeks her head in. I turn away from her. She holds out a cupcake, and looks worried. I take it from her, and force a smile.

"I'll give you some privacy now." she smiles sympathetically. I nod, not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment. I eat the cupcake, and wonder; How jealous would Zane be? I Trying to make myself smirk still doesn't work.
"Ughhhhh" I groan, flopping over the bed, my legs are on the bed, and my head is dangling off the side.
Subito, (Latin for suddenly), I hear a small tap at my door.
"Go away, Kawaii~Chan!" I snap
"It's not Kawaii~Chan" the voice says back. I instantly knew who it was; Travis. My face flushes red not with love, but anger. Tears roll down my face. My blood is boiling. I realize, he played me completely, was done with me in an instant. He never loved me. It was all fake. Why? I still don't know.
"Ya' there, Kate?"
I take a deep breath "Get out."
"Get out of my house." I sigh "and don't you EVER come back."
"Katelyn, please, hear me out, that would be enough."
"I don't care about what you have to say. Now, get out, or I will make you get out."
All I hear is silence. I open the door, and peek out. No one is there. I take a deep breath, and shut my door.
Thank y'all so much for reading!! Have a Happy Valentine's Day!! Sorry to end off like this.... not sorry!😉 Love you all so much! Thank you for reading!! Bye!💖😘

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