Dante tells

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"Dante!" I scream, running after him. "Don't tell him! Please, please, please!!!!"
My mind wanders. If Travis finds out.... I'm pretty sure he likes me, but not 100%. And it's fun to mess with him. What if he doesn't actually like me? What if he hates me? Warm Tears stream down my face, as I chase after him. I follow him into his house. He didn't know I was in the house though. He went to Travis's room. I listen to their conversation.
"Hm?" He asks in a kinda sad tone.
"Katie likes you!"
"What did she say?"
He plays a video of exactly what happened. I have had enough. I open Travis's door, my face red from anger, walk right up to Dante, and smack him across the face. As hard as I can.
"Ow!" He puts his hand up to his face.
"Katelyn. I-" Travis starts.
"Sorry Dante." I mumble, and then walk out, not even acknowledging Travis. I walk to my house, and into my room. Kawaii~Chan spots me. At this point I really need someone to rant to. She knocks lightly on my door.
"K-Katelyn~Sama? Are you ok?"
"Come in," I say through my sobs.
"Katelyn!" She doesn't even say Sama. Hmm.
"Are you ok?" She carefully asks me.
"What happened? You can tell me." Hmmm that's odd. Me? Wow she usually speaks in 3rd person. Oh well!
"Dante told Travis that I like him.."
"D-do you like him?" She asks me, her voice getting higher.
"Mhmm" I nod. Her eyes widen in excitement, and she takes a deep breath,
"I'm sorry Katelyn! Is there anything I can do?"
"I don't know." I mumble softly.
"You like to shop. Wanna go shopping?" She asks with a small giggle.
"That would be nice." I say with a smile. I had long stopped crying by now.
"Awesome! I'm also glad you're feeling better!"
"Hey, so why did you stop talking in 3rd person?"
"Uhh! I- think it would annoy you? And uhm..."
"Oh! It doesn't!"
"I-okay....! Kawaii~Chan will keep that in mind."

~Kawaii~Chan's POV~
I've only told Zane about me being Nana. I wanna tell Katelyn next. But I don't know if she will accept me. I'm scared of that. (Yes that has already happened. Just go with it) I'm so scared to tell my friends. I don't know if I'm ready. I go to my room to get ready for the mall. I call Zane.
"Hey Nana,"
I hear a voice behind him. "Who's Nana?"
"GARROTH WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!?" I let out a small giggle.
"Who's Nana though?"
"A friend who I met a while back."
"Oooh do you like her?"
"Shut up! She's on the phone!"
"Ok, ok Baby brother! Bye!"
"Sorry Nana!" He returns his attention to me."
"It's all good!" I start. "Katelyn and I are getting along really well! I'm going to the mall with her!"
"That's awesome!"
"Well bye, Zane!"
"Oh ok! Bye!"
He hangs up.
"I love you."
I get my clothes on, and go downstairs. Katelyn is waiting there.

524 words! Love you all so so much! Thanks for reading! 😘💙💚💙💚

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