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"Hurry up Liv! You have to be at school in 20 minutes!" I yelled up to my 13 year old daughter. 

Well, she wasn't my biological daughter.  She was dropped off on my door step 10 years ago when she was only two years old.

I would never forget the day she was brought into my life. It was the most magical, life changing day.

The only problem with having an adopted daughter was that I had to keep her a secret.  No one on set knew I had a daughter.  It was hard keeping it from them because they were like my second family. But I didn't want it to get out to the fans and have Olivia bombarded with paparazzi for the rest of her life. That wasn't what I wanted for my 12 year old daughter. 

"I'm coming!" She huffed. I remember my teenage years and even though she wasn't mine, she had definitely inherited my attitude from when I was thirteen.  I rolled my eyes as she made her way down the stairs.

She was beautiful, blonde hair, brown eyes. she was too skinny for her own good but she always ate. She never stopped.

"Are you ready? I have to get to work." I asked her.

"Yeah." She told me picking up her bag and headed for the door. I grabbed my car keys and followed her out the door locking it behind me.

I got into the car and we drove off. I had to drop Olivia off at school. They never saw me, I never went into the classroom, I never went to parent teacher conferences. She knew she was not allowed to talk about me. She had her story about her parents and they don't need to know it's me.

She's already made it perfectly clear, she didn't want to have the same life as me. She didn't want to be famous and have cameras following her. She wanted to be a normal person and she will be. I will make sure of it.

"How is school going?" I asked her. Up until this point, we were riding in silence. We are very close, but we do like quiet. We enjoy being in each others company, but we don't always need words.

"It's going good. But people are starting to harass me because they never see my mom." She told me and my heart sank.

I felt sorry for her sometimes, she didn't have the same life others in her class. But I knew it was best to stay out of the picture or her life would be even worse.

"I'm sorry baby. I know it must be hard for you. But if you want me to tell people about you so you can have a normal... well normalish life." I told her pulling up down the road from the school.

"I don't want to cause you more drama. You're my mom and I know that. That's all I need but of you want to tell people I won't stop you." She told me and leaned over and kissed me cheek. "I love you mom." She whispered.

"I love you too Liv.  I have work until 6 so do you think you could walk home? If not, I'll leave early to come get you." I asked.

"No, I'll walk.  You can't leave work early because of me." She said and got out the car.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.  I knew this was hard for Olivia, it was hard for me. But we had no choice but to go along with it. This had been our life for 10 years now, we're used to it.

I just wanted Olivia to be a normal teenager, go out with her friends, have sleepover at our house.

I realised I had to get to set in 5 minutes. I had to be in hair and makeup for a good 2 hours.

I sped towards the set and I was still late eventhough I knew that would happen. I pulled into my reserved spot in the parking lot. I pulled all my things together and headed to the hair and makeup trailer.

"Hey Norman." I greeted as he stepped out of the trailer.

"Her Lauren. You okay? You look flustered." He asked and I nodded.  I had a massive headache. 

"I'm fine. Had a long night. Woke up late." I lied.

"Well you better get in there. Ann's waiting for you." He told me and I thanked him before stepping inside.

"Hey Ann." I greeted as I sat in my chair.

"Lauren, you're late." She snapped.

"I know, I'm sorry it's been a long morning." I apologised. It was getting harder to lie to everyone after ten years of it. I was sick of it, I needed a new hobby.

She didn't respond.  She just plastered my face in the correct makeup for my upcoming scene.

I had very little makeup, you know being in an apocalypse and all. Ann had put a few scars and scabs on my face from a fight scene I had wrapped up yesterday.

My hair was messed up, twigs and leaves were nestled into it. It was very uncomfortable but I had to put up with it, I was getting paid to do that.  So I didn't mind... too much. 

My first scene of the day, was with Steven and Scott. I was looking forward to it. I loved working with the both of them.

Steven was my first friend on set and I came onto the show with Scott.  We're the closest three out of the cast.

"Okay Lauren, you're all ready for your scene. Good luck and... don't mess it up." I thanked her and walked out of the trailer.

The headache I had at the beginning if my makeup session was worse than it was before.  I was becoming light headed and the room was spinning.

"Hey Lauren." Steven said popping up in front of me. I could just make him out. He was just a blurred picture.

"Lauren?" Was the last think I remembered before everything went black.

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