Eleven years old part 2

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I had been at the hospital for five hours now and Olivia still wasn't awake. I had been sat at her bed for 3 hours now after her operation on her punctured liver. She also had broken ribs and a broken arm. It was scary to see a child laying on a hospital bed unresponsive after being hit by a speeding car.

I wasn't sure when she would wake up and neither did the doctors. Tomorrow, I would be going to the school and I was going to argue with them. It was their fault. They didn't have a written No Bullying Policy and my daughter was one of the unlucky ones. Mrs Collins told me that she was pushed into the road in front of a speeding car by some of her classmates. I was pissed as hell. I was not letting this go. Ever.

"Miss Cohan?" The Doctor said walking into the room.

"Is everything okay?" I asked standing up watching his every move.

"Everything's fine. Olivia should wake up in a few minutes. But I want to run a few tests first. Then, if everything's okay, she can go home." He explained and I nodded sitting back down with a sigh.

"Thank you." I breathed and he smiled walking out. I smiled to myself and grabbed Liv's hand. "You're going to be okay." I spoke to her sleeping body. "I love you so much Baby. I didn't mean for this to happen." I laid my head onto her bed and felt her hand twitch in mine. "Liv?" Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled weakly.


"Hey baby. How do you feel?" I asked her and she winced as she moved slightly to get comfortable.

"It hurts Mom." She mumbled.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry. But why didn't you tell me you were being bullied?" I asked.

"I did." She told me and I squeezed her hand.

"I know but you never told me it was this bad." I said and kissed her forehead.

"I didn't want you to worry." She told me and I shook my head.

"You're my daughter, I will always worry about you." I whispered. "I'm going to go get the doctors. If he gives you the all clear, you can come home later today." I got up and headed out into the hallway.

I went up to the doctors reception and found the doctor working with Olivia. "Hi Doctor. Olivia's awake but she's in pain." I told him and he followed me back into the room.

"Hi Olivia I'm Doctor Hale and I will be doing a few more tests on you. They won't hurt I promise you but you need to be as brave as you can. Can you do that?" He asked. He was really nice to her and I liked it. He was making Olivia comfortable around him and that was a thing that too a lot of work.

"Can I come home today?" She asked and Doctor Hale nodded.

"Only if these tests come back negative." He explained to her and grabbed the utensils he needed to carry out these tests. I turned my head as a needle was piercing my daughters skin. She winced and I heard her whimper slightly but I grasped her hand tight and felt her squeeze it.

"Its okay Liv. It's almost over." I told her without looking. Needles made me squirm. I hated needles and I was always having them in my arm for when I was at work. But I just hoped I could have Liv back at home and resting soon. I couldn't stay in this hospital any longer, I was beginning to smell a lot like a hospital and I hated it.

Olivia needed to come home and be safe with me...

Secret babyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें