Nine years old part 1

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The first day of new year was a bad one for us. We had just found out that Olivia's Mom had passed but no one knew why. I felt like I had to tell Liv. She was her birth Mother after all, I needed her to know. I couldn't keep secrets from her. She trusted me and I needed to keep that trust.

So once I got off the phone with Liv's aunt, I called Liv down stairs to talk to her. "Liv!" I yelled. "Could you come down here? We need to talk." I started. I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to tell her but I knew I had to. There was no going back.

"What's up Mom?" She asked as she hopped on the bottom step. I smiled at her sympathetically and sat her down on the couch.

"We have to talk about something. But I don't want you to get upset. I want you to listen and save any questions until the end Okay?" She nodded and I sat net to her grabbing her hands and looking into her eyes.

That was the wrong move to make. Looking into her chocolate brown eyes made me worry. I couldn't tell her anymore. I couldn't destroy this little girl even more than she already is. She's still a baby. She doesn't deserve this.

"I promise Mom. What's wrong? What's going on?" I could sense she was getting worried but I still couldn't bring myself to tell her. I was scared of ruining her.

"I don't know how to say this, I don't want to hurt you and-" Liv cut me off.

"Mom whatever it is, you can tell me." She whispered and I took a deep breath.

"Okay. Liv. Please don't get upset but You're Mom, she passed away last night." I whispered and she had tears running down her cheeks. "I'm sorry Liv."

"How?" She asked with a whimper.

"Cancer. She had cancer, that is why she gave you to me. She wasn't sure how long she was going to survive." I explained and I looked into her eyes. "But I don't want you to think she doesn't love you. She was an amazing person and did everything she could for you." I told her and she nodded.

"Could I have some time alone?" She asked and I nodded. I was going to give her all the space she needed to come to terms with this. She was scared and confused. She never knew her parents but they were still her parents.

"Sure." I whispered rubbing her shoulders.

I walked out of the living room and upstairs into my room. I had a box full of things that I would give Liv on her 18th birthday. But I wanted to give her the letter her Mother wrote her when she dropped her off at my house on that night 6 years ago.

I pulled out the sealed envelope and laid on my bed. I loved Liv and I didn't want her to be suffering through this but she deserved to know and she knows now. I was going to give her as much time as possible. She was going to get through this. I knew she would have questions for me and when she's ready to ask them, I'll answer them.

"Mom?" She asked me and I smiled at her.

"Hey baby. You okay?" When she came into the light I almost died. He eys were bloodshot from crying so much.

"I don't know." She mumbled. I patted the space next to me. She sat next to me and laid her head onto my chest.

"Look, if you have any questions, ask me. I'll answer them the best I can." I told her. I put the envelope on the best side table. I dind;t want to give it to her just yet. he had questions and they were more important.

"What was she like?" She asked.

"I didn't really know her. I met her a few times for a few years after she gave you to me. But she was lovely. She loved you so much, she just couldn't let you watch her die. Your father was abusive and she didn't want you to be there when it got really bad. But she was the most loving person I knew. She was selfless and her sister, your aunt was always with her caring for her around the clock. She wants to meet you." I explained.

"What is she like?" She asked.

"Your aunt is like your Mom. They're amazing people and she wants to talk to you about your Mom. I think you should go." I told her.

"Really?" I nodded.

"Really." I confirmed. I grabbed the letter and turned to her. "This is a letter from your Mom. She gave it to me when you were dropped off here. It explains everything in here. I was going to give it to you on your 18th birthday but you deserve it now. Read it and if you need help, tell me and I'll help you." I told her. "Do you want me to stay or go?" I asked. She grabbed my hand.

"No stay...Please." She whispered and I nodded putting my arms around her as she opened the envelope.

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