Nine years old part 2

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Dear Olivia,

I know it mnust be weird for you not knowing where you came from but I couldn't risk having you involved in the life I live. I have Cancer and your Father hurts me. I didn't want you here to get hurt. So I sent you to live with Lauren Cohan.

I watched her for months before finalising my decision but I decided she could be trusted. You can trust her and she will be the Mother I only dreamt I could be. But I can't. I wrote this letter when you were 3 years old and by the time you read this letter I'll be dead.

You'll never get to know me but I will always know you. I haven't had a chance to see you grow up but I know you will and you'll live a successful life. I know you're okay and I know you'll be okay long after I'm gone.

Please Olivia, I don't want you to think I left you with a stranger because I didn't love you. I did, I do love you. You're the best thing that happened to me which is why I gave you up. I want you to know my family, I want you to get in contact with them... If it's okay with your Mom.

But this is goodbye... For now.

Lots of love Cleo Hill

"Mom." She whimpered and I buried her head into my chest as she cried.

"I know I'm sorry. How about, you go pick out a movie and I'll go get the ice cream." I told her and she nodded. We both headed downstairs. I grabbed two tubs of ben and jerry ice cream. While Olivia went to pick a movie. I grabbed tewo spoons and headed back into my room quickly changing into a pair of sweats and a tank top.

"Okay Mom, I'm ready." She had her monkey that she came to my house with an a pair of pyjamas. She held up the movie and it was High school Musical. I loved that movie when I first watched it.

"Then put it in and get over here." I smiled and she did. She laid next to me and opened her tub of cookie dough ice cream.

"Mom, I know this maybe a weird and awkward question but can I meet my Aunt?" She asked me, I sighed I knew this was going to happen, I just didn't know it would happen so fast.

"Of course you can. I'll set up a meeting in the next few days. I'll talk to her tomorrow." I told her quietly and she nodded against me settling back into the film.

I looked at my nine year old daughter and my heart shattered. How could something so horrible happen to such a sweet little girl? I hate this just as much as she does. Cleo is- was an amazing women who was taken way too early. I couldn't have this blowing up my relationship with Olivia.

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