Eleven years old part 1

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Olivia Mae Hall was a beautiful young lady who was growing up, she wasn't my baby no more and I was scared. To see her grow up. She doesn't need to grow up too fast. I don't like the thought of it. Bella and Roxy had been a member of the family for over a year and I loved them so much. Liv was very attached to Roxy and did everything with her. Liv didn't have any friends in school in fact she was bullied by everyone in her year. It made my heart break when I heard what was happening at school. She never told me everything that happened by told me most things.

But today, I couldn't pick her up from school. Her teacher knew who I was and my profession but she didn't care. I had to stay in for a delivery and I couldn't afford to miss it. But I needed someone to bring Olivia home because I couldn't let her walk home alone knowing there was bullied waiting for her everywhere and the school bus was just as worse.

Luckily, her teacher Mrs Collins told me she would drop her home after school and I was very grateful for that. I was still worried and was hoping to talk to Mrs Collins before she left about this bullying problem. I didn't know everything but I knew enough for me to be pissed.

While I was waiting in for the parcel, I got a phone call off my Sister. She had moved out of my parents' house but it wasn't because of the fact she was old enough and wanted to start her own life. It was because she had fallen out with my parents after discovering she was pregnant. Pregnant with a father she didn't even know.

"Hey Bells." I told her answering the phone.

"Hey, I was calling asking if I could come and visit. I'm just not liking it here right now." She told me with a sigh.

"Yeah of course. You're always welcome here. You know that. Whats going on there?" I asked her. I was concerned. She was pregnant and I didn't want her to stress out over something stupid.

"Nothing. But Moms told everyone I'm pregnant but don't know who the father is and I've been branded as a slut that ruined the Cohan name." She explained.

"You know that's not true, right?" I asked and there was silence on her end. "Bella, you know you're not a slut right?" I asked again.

"But I am, I'm pregnant with a strangers baby because I slept with someone I don't know Lauren. Mom was right to want me out, I'm an embarrassment to the family." I rolled my eyes as she said this. She was being stupid this wasn;t who she was. I knew that and I thought she did too.

"So, it doens;t matter what they think. Bells just get out here as soon as you can. I've gotta go. Someone else is trying to call me." I told her and we said our goodbyes before she hung up.

I looked at my phone and saw it was her teacher Mrs Collins. I was really confused as to why she was calling me, so I answered out of curiousity. "Hello?"

"Hi Lauren. It's Olivia's teacher." She said.

"Oh Hi. Is everything okay?" I asked. What was wrong with Olivia?

"Not exactly. You need to get to the hospital right away. Olivia's been hit by a car." She rushed out and as soon as she said 'hospital' I was putting on my shoes and my jacket and half way out the door to my car.

"Oh My God. I'm on my way." I gasped trying to keep back my tears.

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