Three years old part 2

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Olivia soon tired herself out after running and playing on her own. I watched as she got slower before collapsing next to me.

"You ready for bed?" I asked the little three year old.

"Yeah." She sighed and lifted her arms up to me.

"You want me to carry you?" She nodded and I smiled. "Okay. Do you want to sleep in my bed?" I asked her.

"With you?" She nodded against my shoulder.

"Okay, come on let's go to bed." I carried her up the stairs and into my room. I felt really bad for her. She didn't know me and she had no choice but to stay with me.

I laid her down in my bed and pulled the covers over her and she snuggled down into them. "Warm and toasty?" I  asked her and she simply nodded.

I went into my bathroom to brush my teeth and remove any makeup I was wearing. I moisturised my face as I did every evening. I needed to for award ceremonies and anything else I get asked to attend. Makeup sits better on a clean smooth face.

When I walked back out Olivia was still in the middle of the bed unmoved from where she was before.

She stared at me and watched my every movement as I got in next to her. 

"What's your name?" I asked herm even though I knew her name, I wanted her to feel comfortable talking to me.

"Olivia." She whispered.

"Hi Olivia, my name is Lauren and I'm going to be looking after you for a while." I explained as brief as I could.

"Mommy said that she can't look after me anymore.  She says that daddy's bad and you're going to protect me. You're going to be my new Mommy." She told me. That was the most she had spoke all evening.

"I don't want to replace your Mommy.  No one can do that." I whispered laying down. Olivia scooted closer to me and rested her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her close. 

"You're going to protect me though right?" She asked.

"Of course. I won't let anything happen to you sweetie." I told her and we both quietened down and began to fall asleep.

Tomorrow I was going to research some more into Cleo Hall and find out some more about her. I needed to know if Olivia was best kept away from her.

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