Three years old part 1

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It was late at night, I was watching a movie on my own as the thunder clashed outside. I had on some sweats, a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket. 

I wasn't expecting anyone. I didn't have a job right now. I was free to spend time with my family and friends.

With all the clashing of thunder, it made me jump when my phone range next to me.

I looked at the caller ID and it was my Mom. She was in England for a while. Her and my dad were dealing through some stuff and she went to live with my sister.

"Hey mom." I greeted pressing the received button.

"Oh Lauren." She sighed. "I didn't think you were going to answer."

"Why wouldn't I answer?" I was a little confused as to why she thought that about me. I always answer the phone to my Mom unless I'm really busy or don't hear it going off.

"I just didn't think you would." She told me and I rolled my eyes. I paused my film so that she would have my undivided attention.

"Oh well what did you call me for?" I asked her. I knew she called me regularly but it sounds like she has something she wants to as me.

"It's not for me... but Bella is having a gap year next year and she wants to now if she can come to LA and stay with you for the year." She explained.

"Why didn't Bella ask me herself?" I asked. Bella was always too afraid to ask me anything. I know I'm an actress and that might be indimidating but she's been in the family for almost 15 years. She can ask me anything and I will give my honest opinion. She knows that, I tell her all the time.

"She's afraid you'll say no." She told me and I sighed. I wasn't ever going to get through to Bella but maybe next year she'll warm up to me.

"Tell her to call me herself and ask me." I told my Mom. There was a knock at the door. "Sorry Mom, I need to go theres someone at the door. Getting her to call me in the morning."

"Okay." She said and I hung up. I answered the door but there was no one there. I shrugged my shoulders and went to close the door. But I heard crying.

I opened the door fully again and looked down. There was a little girl sat in a car seat. I looked around to see if there was anyone else around. but there was no one out there. She was getting really wet out in the rain and very cold. I was going to have to get her checked over tomorrow to make sure she's not got pneumonia or anything.

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing out here?" I asked picking up the car seat carrying her inside into the warm. I picked up the back left beside her. I shut my door and locked it behind me. She was still crying and I pulled her out of the car seat and sat her next to me.

I went into her bag that was left with her and poured it out onto the rug. It was full of diapers, formula, a few toys and some clothes. It wouldn't last very long, a week at the most. There was a piece of folded up paper on the floor mixed in with the formula, clothes, toys and diapers.

I picked it up and looked at the baby. "Is this for me?" I asked her with a smile.

"Ya!" She giggled. She was adorable, how could someone just leave her on a strangers doorstep.

"I'll read it after I've gotten you into some dry warm clothes." I told her picking up a pair of pyjamas that were there. I pulled her onto my lap and pulled her wet clothes off. I grabbed a towel that was on the side of the couch that had to be taken up stairs. I dried her body and it warmed her up a little.

I put on her dry clothes and wrapped her in the blanket I was wrapped up in before she arrived. She sat on the couch next to me quietly. She didn't seem like an awkward baby. So why would someone want to give her up? It didn't make any sense to me.

I shook that feeling off and grabbed the letter looking over quickly at the little girl.I unfolded the letter and began to read it...

Dear  Lauren Cohan,

I'm sorry to drop this bombshell on you but I'm in a lot of trouble and had no other way of doing this. I didn't want to do this, I didn't want to give my baby up but I've been watching you for a few months and I know I can trust you.

Her name is Olivia Mae Hill, she is three years old and was born on 12th May 2003. She isn't allergic to anything as far as I know. She deserves to be loved the way I know you'll love her. Olivia deserves the best and I believe that with you, she will get that.

Olivia has a favourite monkey that comforts her, if she cries give it to her and she'll quieten down. She tends to sleep through the night but every so often wakes up crying. She has nightmares often and it's all due to the last three years of her life.

You see, my ex boyfriend was abusive to me and to Olivia. It got so bad, I couldn't risk putting her in any more danger. Also, I'm dying, I don't want to leave Olivia with an abusive dad after I'm gone.

You're the only one I can trust. You don't know me, but I know you. Thank you so much. This means a lot to me. Just please tell Olivia all about me when she grows up. Theres a picture attached to this letter. Make sure she knows I love you.

Thank you forever.

Cleo Hill

I had tears running down my face after I finished reading the letter. She was so cute and she had been though all that already. She's only three years old. "So Olivia. What do you like to do?" I asked her.

"Dog." She clapped and climbed off the couch to the toys that were spread on the floor. She grabbed the small dog figure and held it out to me.

"Do you want me to play with you?" I asked her and she nodded jumping up and down. "Okay." I got onto my knees and she passed the dog to me. "Do you know what sound a dog makes?" I asked her, cocking my head.

"Woof!" She giggled.

"Clever girl." I praised her. She stood up and went running around the coffee table. She was giggling and it felt reassuring hearing her giggle. I knew that I had to honour her Mom by keeping her safe, being an amazing Mom to her.

"What are you doing silly girl?" I laughed packing all of her stuff back into her bag.

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