Thank you for everything

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"Olivia?" She was sobbing down the phone. 

"Can you come get me?" She sobbed. "Please Mommy." This must be really important.  She doesn't call me Mommy very often and when she does, theres an important reason why. 

"Where are you baby?" I asked her running towards my car.

"At home.  I'm scared Mommy." There was a crash on her end.

"What was that? Liv?" I asked starting up my car. I had left everything I came with in my trailer.

"I just fell over.  It's fine mom. Please just come home." She begged.

"I'm about five minutes away Liv.  I promise, I won't be long. Are you sire you're okay?" I asked her stopping at a red light.

"I'm sorry Mommy. I didn't mean to." She sobbed.

"Didn't mean to do what Liv? What did you do?" I asked getting out the car. Heading towards the house. I pushed the door open and saw her sat against the wall.

I hung up the phone and bent down beside her.

"What happened Liv?" I asked her.

"I told someone about you." She whispered.

"You what?" I asked shocked. She had never mentioned it before no matter how much people bullied her.

"I didn't mean to but they were saying bad things about you. I couldn't take it anymore. They didn't believe me anyway. One girl pulled my hair calling me a Liar and a boy punched me in the face and stood on my leg. It hurts so bad momma." She explained. She had calmed down a little but she was still crying.

"It's okay hunny. I'll call the school. But for now let's get Doctor Ellis to come look at your leg." I told her standing up and getting my phone from telling table I had tossed it on.

I dialed the family doctors number, he was the only one who knew about Olivia and me. He would come to the house to check on her if she needed it.

"Hello Doctor Ellis speaking?" He answered.

"Doctor Ellis? It's Lauren Cohan." I started.

"Oh hi Lauren, how are you?" He asked. I picked Olivia up as much as I could and transferred her onto the couch.

"I'm good thanks. But it's Olivia.  She got hurt in school today.  She's complaining about her leg. I looks really swollen. So I was wondering if you could come over and have a look at it." I explained sitting at Olivia feet.

"I'll be right there. Just keep her foot elevated. Use at least two pillows.  I'll be half an hour at the latest." He told me. 

"Thank you." I sighed in relief. 

"No problem. It's my job. I'll see you in a little while."

"Thank you again. Bye." I hung up and grabbed two pillows to put under her foot keeping it elevated.

She winced as I moved her foot. "I'm sorry hunny. Doctor Ellis is on  his way. It'll be better soon." I whispered and stroked her hair.

My phone beeped indicated I had a message. 'Where are you?' It was Steven.

I replied back. 'I've gone home. I realised I wasn't as well as I thought.'

'Are you okay?' He replied.

'Yeah I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow on set. Tell everyone I'm sorry for leaving unexpectedly.' I texted him.

'Will do.' He replied and I put my phone down. I hated lying to Steven he was my best friend and he didn't know a big portion of my life.

I blew off alot of our plans together because of Olivia.  He wasn't allowed to come to my house when I knew Olivia would be there. If he turned up I would usually text Olivia telling her to stay out for a while longer until I gave her the all clear.

There was a knock at the door. I hoped it was Doctor Ellis.  Olivia was in a lot of pain. I hated seeing her in pain, I wish I could take it away.

I opened the door and I sighed in relief. It was Doctor Ellis. "Hi Lauren, wheres the patient?" He joked.  I giggled.

"On the couch." I smiled. He stepped into the house and over to Olivia. 

"Hi Olivia. How are you feeling?" He asked her bending down and touching her foot.  She winced and tried to pull it away from him. "No don't do that." He told her gently.

"On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the pain?" He asked.

"9.5." She whispered.

"That's a little high. Can I do a mini x-ray on it?" He asked. That's what I liked about him. Even always made sure she was comfortable with him looking her over.  She nodded. "Okay."

He got out his mini x-ray machine and placed her foot in between the machine.  He turned it on and it beeped as it scanned over her foot.

It took 5 minutes to scan and it developed a photo of the bones in the foot.

He was observing it. He didn't show any emotion when looking it over. "The good news is, it's not broken. Bad news is, it's sprained.  You'll be off that foot for at least 2 weeks." He told us.

"So I can't go to soccer?" She whispered.

"Unfortunately not. Sorry sweetie." He apologised.  She looked genuinely upset. 

"I guess you're coming work with me all week Liv. " I told her and her eyes widened. "Well, we're talk about it later."

"Can I wrap it up?" Doctor Ellis asked.

"Sure." She told him.

He wrapped a bandage around her foot until the sprain had healed. I smiled at her as doctor Ellis packed away.

"After two weeks. You can take off this bandage if you get anymore problems.  Call me okay?" I nodded at him and I showed him out the door. 

"Thank you doctor. I'm sure I'll see you soon." I giggled. 

"Hopefully not too soon." He smiled and ran down the front steps back to this car. I went back in and Olivia had tears falling. 

"Hey what's up?" I asked her sitting bedside her grabbing her hand.

"Nothing. I'm just useless for weeks now. I'm not worried about missing school but what are we going to do about the cast?" She told me.

"It's okay babe. We'll figure this out." I told her. "Don't worry about that now.  You're going to relax tonight and we'll figure it out in the morning."

"I love you Mom. Thank you for everything."

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