Six years old part 2

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I woke up the next day with little arms wrapped around my wait. I turned slightly and saw Olivia cuddled into me, stillasleep. She must have come in through the night and I didn't hear her. I kissed her forehead and pulled her arms off me.

"Liv wake up, it's moving day." I whispered shaking her slightly. She opened her big brown eyes and smiled at me.

"It's moving day!" She squealed and I laughed.

"I take it you're excited." I stated and she nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, I can't wait to have a new room, to decorate any way I want!" She squealed and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes you can Liv. But you have to wait a while. We have to get everything settled first." I told her and she nodded sadly.

"I know but I want to decorate it myself. I want it purple and I want princess bedding, princess cutains." She said.

"So Princess everything?" I asked her with a laugh and she nodded at me.

"Princess Everything." She confirmed as she ran out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I asked yelling to her.

"To get ready. You should too Mom. I wanna get to our new house!" She yelled back to me. I laughed at her and shoved the covers off me.

I got into some sweats and put on my disguise to cover  my true identity. I didn't want to wear anything that would get ruined while moving furniture and stuff and I dind;t want to wear something I would get hot in lugging things up and down stairs all day.

"Mom, the moving people are here!" She yelled up to me. I ran down the stairs slipping on my trainers and heading to the door where two large buff men were carrying the furniture out the door and into their van parked just outside. They were taking all the big heavy objects such as the couch, wardrobes and beds. They were the first things to go into the van then the other small furnitures and then the boxes of things.

I used my car for a few boxes that wouldn't fit into the van. I had Olivia strapped into her seat and a few boxes piled next to her, some in the trunk of the car and some on the seat next to me. I was sad to say goodbye to this house btu I knew I had to do what was ebst for my daughter.

"Goodbye old house." I whispered to myself pulling out of my parking space and following the van towards our new lives.

We drove about 30 minutes to the new house which was very private. It wasn't by any houses, I loved that. We could actually be ourselves and go out as much as possible without having to wear a disguise. It was only across from the school so I could watch from our lawn as she crossed the road and went into school. I wouldn't be recognised or anything. I was so happy. I knew we were going to be happy here.

The outside was gorgeous it looked newly built. It was white, it was huge. I loved the look of it. The removal driver got out and came towards my car. I undid my window as he came to me. "We're going to leave the van here for two hours for you to unload it. We'll come back for it then. But if you can't lift the heavy objects, leave them until we get back and we'll help you with it."

"Okay. Thank you for your help this morning." I told him and he nodded walking off. I turned to Olivia who was saring at the hosue wide eyes. "Are you ready Liv?" I asked.

"Yeah." She whispered mesmorised. I smiled at her.

"Well, come help me lift some boxes and put them in a room of the house." She nodded and I got out of the car and helped her out bumping the trunk. I grabbed some boxes full of clothes that she could carry in and left them in a corner for her to come and collect after she had dropped one in.

I took in as much as I could in the two hours I was given. uckily, all the boxes were stacked in one of the empty rooms that I would sort through later but I couldn't lift the couch or anything alone and Olivia couldn't help me.

Liv was stood with me waiting for the men to come back but I could see how excited she was to go inside and have a look. "Why don't you go in and choose what bedroom you want upstairs." She nodded and went running into the house. I heard her squeal from her in the doorway. She had only stepped into the house and she already loved it.

"Miss Hill, is there anything you need help lifting in?" One of the men asked walking back over to me.

"All the big parts of the furniture if you don't mind." I told him stepping out of the way of the van.

"Not a problem. It's my job." He told me with a smile. Him and his colleague carried in the big pieces of furniture and out it into the right rooms so I wouldn't have to move it when we were unpacking and sorting everything out.

"Liv, what room have you chosen?" I asked. We needed to put the furniture into her room. But I didn't get a response. I looked at the nice men. "Could you just leave it at the top of the stairs please?" They carried it up the stairs and I could see them struggling but I couldn't grab it. I was too far behind. "Thank you so much for your help." I thanked handing them $100 more than I was paying. They were so helpful, they deserved a tip.

They left and I went on a search for Liv in the rooms upstairs. She wasn't in the first few rooms. But I had picked out my room. It was big and spacious. I always loved having space. "Liv, come on. Where are you?" I yelled and steped into a room.

It wasn't as I expcted, it was already decorated, princesses and it was pink. I looked at Liv on the made bed in the middle of the room. She was curled up holding her dog teddy and a piece of paper. What was this?

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