Seven years old part 1

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When Olivia was eight, I was casted as Maggie on the Walking dead. I was happy and excited to have my first big role in a TV series. But I knew this was going to be harder to keep Olivia a secret.

I was going to be a star who has paparazzi watching me and watching the walking dead set. I couldn't be seen with Olivia at all and it was going to kill me. I hadn't started yet though, I was starting tomorrow at a table read. I just got my callback a few days ago which gave me a few days to get ready.

I was scraed to meet everyone and mostly because of what it would mean to Liv. I was going to be working late some nights and no one could watch her. She was only eight, she couldn't stay by herself. I guess I was going to have to get a babysitter that I could trust. But who?

Ovrr the past few days, I hadthought about who I could ask to watch her on my long days at set. I thought it would be best to ask my best friend out here in LA, Ashley. I could trust her, she was the only friends I had here in LA and all my other friends were bacj in England. I saw them as often as possible.

But right now, I had to call Ashley and ask her. Of course I would pay her, but I didn't want her to do it if she didn't want to.

I called her number and waited for her to pick up.  "Hello?" She asked into the receiver. 

"Hey Ash. What you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing really. Why?"

"I have a huge favour to ask." I told her biting my lip. I didn't know what she would say, I didn't want her to feel like I was pressuring her into doing this for me.

"Yeah sure. What is it?" She asked and I sighed.

"I have a new job and I'm going to be working late most days..." she cut me off.

"You want me to watch her after school?"

"Only if you can. I don't want you to feel like you have to." I told her.

"No it's fine. I want to. What's your new job?" She asked. 

"I put an audition in a few days ago and I got it. I'm a member of the walking dead cast season 2." I smiled. I was so excited. Ashley squealed.

"Congratulations. I'm very happy for you. I hope you enjoy it. But I'll pick her up from school and take her to yours until you get home."

"Thanks ash. I owe you." I told her and hung up. She was still the only one to know where our new house is.

"Liv!" I yelled up the stairs and I heard her come running down the stairs.

"What? I was doing my homework." She moaned.

"I know I'm sorry. But Ashley will be watching you while I go to work tomorrow." I told her and her eyes widened.

"Ashley!" She squealed and I smiled. 

"Yeah. But we have to talk about how this new job is going to affect our lives."


"Well, this project is big and I'm going to be well known. We can't go out together anymore. Or they'll see you and you'll have cameras in your faces all the time. I don't want you to have to go through that." I explained. 

"So we can't go out at all?" She asked me.

"We can but not alot. I'm sorry honey but we need this. I'm sure you'd like it.  It's about killing Zombies." I told her. She loved Zombies and I knew that.  She watched Shawn of the dead and everything. She's only 8!

"Really?" I nodded.

"Yeah. Do you want to watch an episode of the show I will be on?" I asked and she nodded.

We sat down on the couch and watched the first few episodes of Season 1. There ws only 6 episodes of the season. She was getting into it and I couldn't be happier.

She was going to be supportive because she loved the show. "I love this Mom. I can't wait for you to do this show. You're going to be so good! I hope I can meet the cast." She giggled.

"Maybe one day we could tell the cast if we trust them. But right now. We can't say anything okay?" She nodded.

"Fine." She sulked and stomped up the stairs. 

"Finish your homework!" I yelled up to her and I heard her huff. I laughed to myself and went to bed myself. Ready for tomorrow's first day on the job.

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