Four years old part 1

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A year later, Bella was coming to LA to stay with me for the year. The only problem was that no one knew about Olivia.  I hadn't told anyone. No one had come out to visit me. They had no reason to know.

Only now, I have Bella coming out to live with me and my mom is coming with her to help her get settled in.

"Livvy?" I called down the hall to her room.  Over the past year, I had cleaned out one of my spare rooms and transformed it into Olivia room. She loved having her own space to play with all her toys.

The past year had been hard because I had to get documents claiming I was adopting her. It took a while to track down Cleo to give her consent but she did. I thought she was dead but apparently not.

"Yeah?" She yelled back.

"Aunt Bella and Nanny will be here in a little while." I informed her. I didn't know how my family was going to take this but there was nothing I could do now.

My mom had always wanted me to have kids and now I finally have one I'm nervous as to what she would think.

"I'm nervous mommy." She confessed poking her head out into the hallway. I was nervous too but I couldn't let her see that.

She started calling me Mommy a few months back. We had sat down and had a huge conversation about her real mom and she asked me if I would be her new Mommy.  I was blessed to have her in my life. No matter what circumstances it was under.

I walked down into her room and sweet her sat on her butterfly bed and curled up with her monkey. I sat at the foot of the bed and patted her leg.

"It's okay to be nervous livvy. You've never met these people and they've never met you. I just want you to act like yourself and no matter what, I won't let them say anything mean about you okay?" She nodded. I kissed her forehead.  "You're my little girl."

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too. Now let's go get the table set for lunch." She grabbed my hand and we walked into the kitchen and she helped me set the table.

My mom was very posh and liked classic family dinners around a table. She was especially hard about it because I was an actress and I may not have be a well known actress but she thought she easy above everyone else because she had an actress for a daughter.

"What do you want for lunch?" I asked her. She was very picky with food. I would always make her someone different to me because odds were, she wouldn't eat it.

"Chicken." She said grabbing the plates and putting them around the table. Even though she was only four years old, she was smart and I treated he like she was older than she was. I hoped she'd mature quicker and know her chores and how they should be done correctly.

I didn't want to be harsh and I wasn't but she needed to know what was expected when she got older. It would be harder as they were older to get them to do anything, like chores. They would argue with you about them. I did with my mom and dad. I still do... occasionally. 

I was just flipping the salad and adding vinegar,when the doorbell rang.

"Stay here. I'll bring them in."I told her kissing her head before heading to the door.

I took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Hey guys."

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